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You found them!

I watched a movie yesterday about guys searching for Dogmen in Kentucky. They went to a location where one had been seen, leaving the hunter who saw the Dogman traumatized. They end the movie by saying they were sadly unsuccessful but it did bring closure to the witness. They do see trees being shaken.

I noticed something about an hour in to the movie. I paused the movie and replayed that spot over and over. It was night. They were searching in the spot the witness told them about. Nothing. …except, I’ve learned. So I took snapshots and sent them this email:

Angel: “I just watched your Dogman movie on Amazon Prime. The trees shaking were being done by adult Bigfoot to warn you about the Dogmen. There are at least 2 juvenile Bigfoot playing in the trees like Tarzan, swinging on vines, jumping & running behind the guy who raises his gun in the dark woods at 0:55:51

Just thought you’d like to know. I’ve studied them for 5 years and have learned to spot them. They are half cloaked. I don’t want any credit or my name used. You found them. Thanks! Angel”

added a bit later…

“On second thought the one that is far left appears to have a tail and Dogman snout. Far left, swings into tree on vine, swings out, drops, runs towards right. Pause it there. Tail, snout, Dogman. There is a third, small, runs across middle back. The main one you can see easily is on a vine, swings, drops right down the middle of the screen, runs, jumps/climbs tree in front of him. Put it in your Final Cut Pro editor and look for pixels moving to find more. I suspect more than those 3 now. Thanks.”

Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written July 17, 2024 at 6:35 pm

Fair Use Standards claimed


Notice: Nothing…figure dropping in middle of page…dropping… gone…


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