Yesterday, I finished retranslating (see my last short-story, below, or on my website, to read what I mean by that) the Old Testament book of Judges. It had 21 chapters. I said that the concepts in it matched my daily life as I was was studying it, retranslating it, and they did so exactly. I said this is what is meant by the "Inspiration of the Holy Bible" - and not anything you've ever heard or read before.
I think I know a bit about why this is happening. I got to the point in my walk with God, around 2001 where God began teaching me about the power of sacrifice. Remember, my history, if you've read enough of my work to know, and some of you have, if not, start reading, it is important to you... Remember, what I was doing in the 1980s. In 1981 I met the man who would become my husband, Robin. By 1982 he was sending me to computer workshops near Boston, I was being trained by him as his Documentation Specialist, he had bought one of the very first word processors for me, at Dresser Industries, in Houston, where we both worked, a Vydec that cost $15,000. He adored me.
The moment he had seen me he had walked by my desk, gone to his office in the Vice President of Research and Engineering suite, where we both worked, gotten his coffee cup, I'm sipping coffee as I write this, it is a habit I developed because it reminds me of him, walked back by my desk, went down the hall to get coffee, came back into the suite, sat down in a chair in the corner, 15 feet from me, and just stared at me as he sipped his coffee. It was a little unsettling. He loved me instantly. I had been hired for him and two other men in the suite while he was away on a business trip.
A few months later I knew little about him, I knew he worked on his computer intensely, was there when I left, was there when I got to work, and that people referred to him as a genius. I really didn't have a clue beyond that. I didn't want to be working there. I wanted to be a Writer. I had been reading my Writing magazines for a couple of years, steadily. I had tried to write a bit, I already had a script I'd written, I was actually still working on it during my breaks. I'd go out to my car at lunch and write.
I'd already won Imperial Miss Tennessee first place in talent. I had handed the judges a book of poems I had written. The book contained a thousand of my poems. I had won 3rd in beauty but I was very proud of having won first in the State of Tennessee for my book of poems. I had been Class President followed by Class Poet in my High School years. I had learned the guitar when I was 14, and the ukulele at 6. I had written my songs about God for about a decade, as I still do today. I now have 230 or more. I need to record those.
SO, one day I went into his office and stood quietly behind him and waited until he acknowledged me, he'd get deep into his computer and what he was doing, people would line up outside his door waiting respectfully for him to get to a point in his work where he would look up and give them a moment of his time, sometimes they'd stand there a long time, he wouldn't see them. On this day, when I went in, his constant companion, a guy geologist who worked there, was in his office. I waited politely for him to see me standing patiently behind him. When he emerged and acknowledged me I said, "Is that word processing you are doing?" I had read about it. It was on the cover of my Writer's magazine. It was new. "I'd like to learn word processing." He nodded and said, he'd see that I could learn.
Later, his friend would inform me that I had been SO disrespectful to him, to Robin, that the friend, the geologist friend, now refused to talk to me. My mistake was in calling what Robin did "word processing," for even thinking it. His friend knew his immense importance. I didn't yet have a clue, not one clue. Robin loved me instantly. But it was my "I'd like to learn..." that cinched the deal for him. It was my spirit that Robin saw and loved and responded to. I would write a poem about this later, "Clouds." In it I would say that he, Robin, walked on the clouds, and I could never reach him, it was a place I couldn't go. Then, in my poem, I say, "But you reached down. You took me by the hand and pulled me up. You taught me how to stand. On the clouds." That's what Robin did. This was the early 1980s.
The 1980s were the decade of Rock 'n' Roll. I missed that. My entire story is in my book, "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir." By 1983 Robin had trained me and promoted me to be his Documentation Specialist. He had bought a word processor for me. I had my own office. I had bought a bookcase and beautiful blue binders. I had filled the bookcase with the documentation he helped me know how to create, taught me, of his computerized drilling technology, and I had filled the beautiful binders with 7,000 pages of his source code.
It was all organized and when you looked at my bookcase you could see the entire concept he had had in his mind and that he had brought to life in the physical world. It existed. First, it was an idea in his mind. Then, he brought that idea to physical existence. He would constantly explain to me how this was done, show me, teach me. I followed every word, devoted. I now knew word processing.
He had eventually gone into his office, to his own bookcases, and pulled out a secret treasure. It was a silver bracelet he had designed in the sand of Tunisia, with a native artisan. The artisan had pounded out the raw silver and within a month the bracelet designed in Robin's mind, with finger drawings in the sand, was in existence. He gave me the bracelet. He had kept it as a secret treasure for a decade, hidden in his office, waiting to give it to the one he would love. That was me. I wore it on our wedding day, proudly. It's in our wedding pictures. I have a picture of Robin holding my arm and showing someone at our wedding my bracelet and telling them the story.
Robin said he was stunned breathless when he first saw me. That was why he had sat down and just stared at me. He said that when he was 3 years old he had had a dream. In his dream was a beautiful lady with long blonde hair, and blue eyes. She was wearing a flowing long, white dress, an angel. She didn't say a word. She just stood there, smiling at him. He said I was that lady in his dream.
We married, he bought a townhouse for me that I adored. We were married in our townhouse. He sent me back to college to finish my degree in Mass Communication. One of the other men in the suite, another genius, only not as "high" of a genius, I heard it rumored, no one was higher than Robin, wrote to Rice University for me. He recommended me. Rice accepted me. Abilene Christian University, where I was a third generation, let me finish the degree I had almost finished, I lacked 12 hours, at Rice. They made me go back for one summer semester, Robin got my apartment for me, in Abilene, and I learned the television skills I have today. Robin loved me, Robin trained me. This was the early 1980s. Rock 'n' Roll was the furthest thing from my mind. I listened to Country music, having grown up an hour south of Nashville.
My "Chapelgate" story started around 1984. Robin and I founded our own corporation, him and me, in 1985. He had told me he wanted to be a Consultant. So I had said, "Then be a Consultant." I had spent 9 months reading and figuring out how to found a corporation and we had done so. He had made me the President. He said, "I'm older than you. Someday I won't be here. I need to train you now so you will know what to do then."
Around that same time I prayed one day, "Dear God, if there is something I don't understand about Christianity, would you please teach me?" I approached our Father, God, YHWH, with the same spirit that Robin had seen in me. God responded. He began teaching me. That started my "Chapelgate Adventure Series" books and music which I would spend 20 years of my life writing, true, day after day after day, documenting God's response to me so others could see how magical this was and know how to do it themselves.
When I prayed that prayer I decided to do 3 things: 1. Read at least 1 verse of the Bible every single day for a year. 2. Stop listening to Country music and start listening to Gospel music (yuck). 3. Follow better. Follow sincerely, from my heart, even when I didn't want to. That led me to who I am today, what I documented, and why I came here to write today.
I came to write about Rock 'n' Roll. When I prayed that prayer it was 1985. I hadn't paid any attention to the 80s Rock movement, anyway. But because of that prayer, and the path I had chosen for myself, I PURPOSEFULLY made the decision NOT to listen to Rock. It attracted me. I liked men with long hair. Robin was eccentric. He had long hair. Jesus had long hair, and I loved Jesus. So Rock appealed to me and I could sense that. It felt like a temptation. So I made a VOW to NOT listen to it, on purpose. Every time it would come on the radio, as I searched for a Gospel channel, I would keep going, I wouldn't stop and listen. Every time it appeared on TV I would change the channel. I refused to listen to it. I vowed to NOT listen to it. I felt like it was dangerous to me, because I had made a vow to follow God, and I could just tell it would have the power to tempt me away from that. So I cut it off.
I came here to tell you that yesterday I finished retranslating the Old Testament book of Judges. I retranslated for over a decade, intensely, glued to my books and computer Bible software, just as if Robin existed inside me. He did. My retranslation started after his death. By that time he existed inside me. I drank his constant cups of coffee, because I missed him. I surrounded myself with a wall of books, like in his office, because I missed him. I had mastered word processing and computers because he had taught me and I became him because I missed him. That is true marriage, you merge into one.
I sat there in my home office and retranslated the Bible for a decade, just like I had seen Robin work, intensely, morning, noon, and night, because it comforted me. I documented the Bible and my walk with God, God's response to me, because I loved God and I was merged with God, in this same way. I had been merged with God from birth, my parents had taught me, taken me to church 3 times per week, lived Christianity in our home. I loved it. I was it. Merged.
Sacrifice and vows. God taught me the power, the magic, of sacrifice and vows. "Mark 12: 30-31 ...and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." There is none other commandment greater than these. Jesus instructed us. In other words, so much that you merge with God. I did. I kept my vow about music. I didn't even have the faintest clue in the year 2001 who "Guns N' Roses" was. Pure.
In the year 2001 I met Bax. I met him because I wrote and sang and played on my guitar the songs I wrote about God. Bax was one of the best musicians in Central Florida. He had long hair. Jesus had long hair. I met him because one day when I went, like normal, to the music store in Orlando I saw an ad on their bulletin board. It said there was an "Open Mic" at "Ruby Tuesdays," a local restaurant. I liked that restaurant. I went. I sang my songs I wrote about God and played them on my guitar. I saw another ad on that bulletin board. It said there was an "Open Mic" at a bar named Tracy's. I didn't go to bars. But I had gone to the open mic at the restaurant. I had gone to the Koinonia open mics in Nashville when I owned Chapelgate, with Robin. I had turned Chapelgate, our home, in my book, into a private hideaway for Contemporary Christian Music Singer/Songwriters. I had created open mics at Chapelgate, for my Christian music songwriter friends and myself. So I thought about it, and I went to Tracy's. I met Bax. He was onstage playing with a professional local band who was hosting the Open Mic.
I had, by this time, already finished my first Master's degree in Theology. I had, by this time, already begun, in 1998, my retranslation of the Bible. I had, by this time, dedicated a couple of decades to my vow of not listening to Rock. I was a spiritual virgin. That's a concept. I was pure. That's a spiritual concept. It is similar to the concept of what a Nazarite was. Someone, with a life totally devoted to God, is a Nazarite. It is a concept. Jesus was a Nazarite. Jesus was a Nazarite with long hair, which I loved.
By this time, the Bible was already "talking to me." It was matching my day to day life, the way I've described. It talked to me. It told me to sacrifice. It told me to pick something, anything, that I was totally pure in, and sacrifice it. I could have picked any number of things because I had, by this time, purified my life in multiple directions. I sacrificed my purity in relationships. That's why I met Bax and chose him. Once I had done that, God began teaching me about Yin/Yang. Opposites.
Years later I would grasp that the design of God's physical world matches his design of the spiritual world. Sacrifice is a tremendous tool, a holy tool, as are vows. This was being explained to me, day by day, by God, as I studied and retranslated the Holy King James Bible, with the scriptures matching my day to day life.
Bax became my boyfriend. He said, "I have never met ANYONE who COMPLETELY MISSED the 1980s. Bax was a Singer/Songwriter but he was also one of the best professional local Central Florida Classic Rock musicians that there was. He began to teach me Classic Rock. God had released me, because I had kept my vow to him, I was pure, and I had sacrificed my purity because the scriptures I was retranslating day after day had instructed me to.
God was teaching me the power of vows and the power of sacrifice. You sacrifice a perfect, unblemished lamb. My vow to not listen to Rock, had caused me to not know a single basic thing about Rock. It had protected my spirit, shut the door tight to temptation, kept me on the right path. It was one of my perfect, unblemished sheep. I sacrificed it because God told me to sacrifice something I had that was pure. I never lied. That was a perfect, unblemished sheep I possessed. I never stole. That was a perfect, unblemished sheep I possessed. I had a herd of perfect unblemished sheep because I had kept those 3 things I had prayed to God back when Robin was alive, back before Chapelgate, since the day I had prayed them. Vows.
I took my unblemished sheep, and following the instructions that I now understood, probably in the book of Leviticus, or in Deuteronomy, with the scriptures matching my life and my life matching the holy days of the ancient Biblical Hebrew calendar I sacrificed after completing a perfectly kept vow, because I knew God my Father was training me and that's what the scriptures had told me to do.
That is why my "Texas Tales from a Lone Star" documents the professional local cream of the crop Classic Rock musicians (and Country). YinYang. To create YinYang you have to BE a Yin or a Yang. I was. I was a Nazarite. So God taught me about YinYang because I was obedient to my vow, because I kept my vow until I possessed unblemished sheep, and because I could hear, I could understand, the scriptures I had studied with my constant cups of coffee and computer software Bible program and books, as one with my beloved Robin, as I had seen him do.
Ruth. This short-story is about Ruth, the Old Testament book of Ruth, that comes immediately after the end of Judges, after Judges Chapter 21, which I finished retranslating yesterday. Ruth, sorry but I know more than just about anyone you can google, most of them are wrong, I am a Nazarite, Ruth contains the concept of "Red." Red is the beginning color of the rainbow. Google it. Let AI answer. It will say, "No, Ruth does not mean red in the Bible." I say: Ruth means red in the Bible. Google will say, "Yes, the surname "Ruth" can mean red." This Nazarite, me, says "Ruth" means red in the Bible. "Red is a color that corresponds to a specific, relatively low frequency of light within the visible spectrum. It is a color in the rainbow, the first color." The story about Ruth is not anything like you have ever heard, anywhere, and Google does not know. AI certainly does not know what is in our Bible. Red is the first color in the rainbow. AI does know this: "Relationship to other colors: Red has the lowest frequency and lowest energy of the colors in the visible spectrum. Violet has the highest frequency and highest energy."
Now you will see the physical mirror the spiritual, as God designed, in his Word in the Bible and in Nature itself.
The book of Ruth contains the concept for the rainbow spectrum that you must walk through in order to reach Christ Consciousness, in it's true meaning, as God designed, in my short-stories, see my website. THAT is in our Holy King James Bible. We are not taught that. They don't know that. It is. Ruth is step one. It has the lowest frequency and the lowest energy of the colors in the visible spectrum.
Energy, I have figured out, see my stories on my website, is the concept of Desire. What we desire. I was at the step of Ruth a long, long time ago. It is a path, a journey. I am writing to you from Violet. It has the highest frequency and the highest energy. I'm actually writing to you from the frequencies above Violet, from what we know as the supernatural. The Bible is inspired. It is supernatural. Our walk with Jesus, with Christ, with God, is a rainbow path TO the Supernatural.
I was going to finish there, I'm about to start retranslating, not for the first time but it has been a while, the book of Ruth. It always matches my life, whatever I translate, the concepts.
Hummm, I just noticed I wrote this on Election Day; God is putting his stamp of approval on what I just wrote. Yesterday, I told a beloved family member, "I've only voted one single time in my life. Then the man I voted for did not live up to what I had expected from him. This year I go back to not voting. I vote for Jesus." You can vote in your heart, your mind, your body.
Ruth is step one of the color spectrum of the rainbow God designed to show us the path to Christ Consciousness, meaning we have merged with Jesus' teachings, the Bible, God's Word, God our Father. We are one. I write to show you the rainbow. xo Angel
Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written November 5, 2024 at 11:58 Election Day; I vote for God.