Today's interest...
I like this... I was just sort-of surfing, going from one place to another on the internet and in my thought processes. I've been retranslating the Genesis Creation Story and The Sabbath. That's going to be the topic of conversation we have at my dinner at the Island on Lake Travis Feb. 22, 2025. You pay me $125 to $ChapelgateAngel on CashApp and you pay for your own dinner in the Island restaurant (now as of today confirmed by the Island). You rent your own condo there, if you want to see the Island in the daytime and just enjoy it with your own room, like I'm doing with my own family. We'll just be there at the same time so can hang out if we want to.
I hope you like swimming because I'll be in the hot tub while Lai makes sure she gets to go to the indoor swimming pool. "Lai, they have a hot tub (she spent the first year of her life living with my daughter, her mother, and me at the Island, but doesn't remember of course). Grandmama wants to go to the hot tub." Lai: "Well, is there a swimming pool?" Me: "Yes, they have two outdoor swimming pools - with hot tubs - and one indoor, heated swimming pool - with a hot tub. We'll probably use only that one because this is February. Even when we lived there what they call "heated" and what Grandmama calls "heated" are not the same, it was cold. But you can go in the hot tub with me." Lai: "I'M going in the SWIMMING POOL!!!" I remember myself at that age and I was like that too. I need HEAT now, lol.
Anyway, I was surfing. I've been putting all the plans in motion for my first dinner so I've been surfing all things related. Then I'll do what I always do and take a break and go retranslate the Bible for fun and peace and insight. It's very relaxing and just, well, I love it. My mind is used to it, needs it. I had just retranslated the Creation Story in Genesis and it turned out to be SO cool that I had to tell someone, anyone, so I wrote my stories. Then I moved on to retranslate what happens next, which is the Sabbath, and IT was SO COOL that I had to tell someone, so I wrote my stories. Well, after that comes Adam and Eve and the Garden, which is also not like anything we've EVER been told as Christians or any other religion. It is just plain AWESOME because it is what really happens in life when you do these things the Bible instructs. I could see it all, the Creation Story, the Sabbath, Adam and Eve, the Garden, the Tree of Life, EVERYTHING happening in my OWN LIFE as I retranslated. It works like that. It is supernatural. Story, story, story. Incredible.
So, that had given me the idea to just tell everyone what it says. It would take days and years but I could probably fit the Creation Story and the Sabbath into a dinner long conversation. So now, you pay ME $125 to $ChapelgateAngel on CashApp, buy your dinner and your room if you want one (so we can go to the hot tub, lol) and I will TELL YOU what it means.
I can do this for every single thing in the Bible and I can tell you the truth about what it actually means. It is all one big woven tapestry of astonishment that matches my/will match YOUR daily walk with God. It can do this because it has documented the path of walking towards God and winding up at an Island, a gorgeous island hardly anyone even knows exists, where you will find yourself - where? In the Garden of Eden next to the Tree of Life. Come to the dinner and ask me questions, learn.
ANYWAY... SO I was just surfing, blended with retranslating the next verses of the Bible. I just keep tabs open and can jump to it in a heartbeat at will. I've been doing this for decades, since 1998. Before that it was fundamental Christianity from birth, which I also loved, but which led me here - BECAUSE THERE IS A PATH that is documented in the Bible that no one grasps, that matches our LIVES. Supernatural.
Surfing... Somehow I wound up watching a Werewolf short video that caught my eye because my computer is very used to my leading it to Cryptid places so I can learn what they are. Some secret someone(s) created algorithms that watch what you like and feed you more of the same.
The Werewolf short reel said that someone saw one and it SPOKE to them. It said one word. It said: "Gadara." Boy, THAT sparked my interest so I kept surfing, this time with the goal in mind of figuring out what the Werewolf said. I saw that it was related to the demoniac that Jesus healed in Matthew 9. So, straight to my tabs and straight to Matthew 9 to figure it out. Do you want to know what amazing thing it SAID?
"That will be $125. please. Send it by CashApp to: $ChapelgateAngel.
Maybe I'll make a 2nd dinner at the Island to explain it. I can do this for EVERY word, EVERY verse, EVERY Book of the Bible Old and New Testaments, EVERY idea about how the world actually works, how Science actually works, how Life actually works. I've been given a GOLD MINE by God BECAUSE I walked the path I'm describing to everyone and BECAUSE I've been keeping my tabs open on my computer to the next Bible verse for DECADES.
I just described Genesis 1-2 to you. And you even got it for free. I'm on "Adam Names the Animals." What a joke. It is really talking about WEREWOLVES. It is talking about "GADARA." It is talking about "NAGAD." It is talking about when Jesus cast the demon out of the maniac in Matthew 9. It's PART OF THE PATH and Jesus not only walked it but he'd give out tidbits to people they thought were supernatural (they were) as he walked it.
Angel (surfing for "Gadara" and seeing it is related to "Nagad.") "Where have I heard that word, "Nagad" before? Snake. It means snake, doesn't it?" So I google, "Nagad serpent." And lo and behold what comes up?
Maybe this is a good time to mention that my 2nd Bigfoot Trackers private class I'm taking from whom I consider, rightly so, to be the top two experts in the world (yes, there ARE experts) is tomorrow night. They decided to call this team I'm on "The Thunder Warriors." Keep reading.
Nagad. Werewolves. Jesus casting demons out of the maniac...
Google search: "Jormungand was also known as the Midgard Serpent, or the World Serpent, because its body coiled around the whole Earth underneath the oceans, and the Earth was called Midgard in Norse cosmology. The serpent's eternal enemy was the thunder god Thor." THUNDER god. THUNDER WARRIORS.
Google search: "What is a naga serpent?
Nāga - Wikipedia In various Asian religious traditions, the Nagas (Sanskrit: नाग, romanized: Nāga) are a divine, or semi-divine, race of half-human, half-Cobra beings that reside in the netherworld (Patala), and can occasionally take human or part-human form, or are so depicted in art.
The book I am currently writing is: "Chapelgate: the gods of Mount Olympus." All my poems, songs, stories, videos, books, etc. can be found on my website
The Werewolf reel is HERE
Werewolves are the Physical Symbol for the concept described in Matthew 9. They represent a step on the Figure 8 Analemma Design. It is the step where the mirror image opposite sides are inches from death but Jesus casts out the demon (on both sides). The tip of the Physical path and the tip of the Spiritual path have both become Werewolves they are both SO demonically possessed. The Heaven path person is maniacal with desire to save the lost Earth path mirror image person. The Earth path person is maniacal with desire to save the lost Heaven path person. Both are the tips of God’s Word. Both are correct. They are Werewolves in their spirits. There reaches a point, described in the Jesus miracle casting out the maniacal demon story in Matthew 9 where they SEE the other side has comprehended the path. The demons have been cast out because the person has died to one path and passed over (Passover) to the opposite path. It is a never-ending path, eternal life, God’s Physical Natural Law and God’s Spiritual Natural Law (Male/Female; Corporate/Individual; Inner/Outer) work in perfect harmony in a never-ending cycle.
Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written February 5, 2025 at 9:57 pm