One of my best Christian girlfriends just sent me a video. When I started watching it, enough to figure out what is was going to be about, I stopped and wrote her...
Angel: (to friend) "I just retranslated I Samuel 5. It is talking about this. We've been taught wrong. EVERYTHING is an internal WAR. It matches, like a mirror, the external WAR. We can NOT just do what we want morally and expect help from God. We have to constantly examine our lives and get rid of anything immoral based on the 10 Commandments until we have the heart of Jesus which means we have internalized morality and goodness but especially in subjection and obedience to God our Father, Yahweh. Jesus was a man, human, just like us. But he did THAT. That's what he was teaching us. They've nullified his teachings by making him God. No, he was human. He kept the morality commandments and walked in obedience to God Yahweh hourly. We have to do THAT. It creates an "ark" inside us.
The enemy's (Earth, physical realm) "ark" is their money. OUR "ark" (Heaven, spiritual realm) is our history of obedience to Yahweh. It builds an ark in us. They've stolen Christianity's "ark" by teaching "grace" which causes us to go blind and get weak because we aren't actually paying attention to small everyday choices that submit to God our Father Yahweh and choose to internalize his commandments. It is the ARK that is at stake. WAR. This is how we fight it.
Just keep doing what you are doing but constantly examine your decisions and choices in life until they are as pure and spotless as you can get them. Then rely on grace but don't rely on it if you are being disobedient. We have to teach our brothers and sisters this. I think you probably found the perfect video to show what's going on. They are creating a WAR but this is how we win it.
Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written November 13, 2024 at 9:44 am

The video my girlfriend just sent me is HERE
PS I watched 5 more minutes of it and turned it off. Disinformation. They are doing the same thing as the "Q" psyop. That was designed, just like we've been trained when we watch sports - "Our" team is winning, even though we, ourselves, are sitting in our lounge chairs, safe at home - to get people to think their is a war but it is all under control. Baloney. There is a REAL War and I just told you how to fight, your real actions, and how to win it. Outer Space does not exist as we've been taught. There is no federation of alien good guys fighting for us. There IS, however, our powerful Father, God, YHWH, Yahweh and HIS principles and powers. THAT's real. This is how you fight and how you tap into that power. xo