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The Trident

I just figured out what a “trident” is, how the physical object matches, “mirrors,” the spiritual object. It is wielded by Poseidon in Greek mythology and Neptune in Roman mythology, both gods of the sea. If I study Poseidon and Neptune and the trident itself I’ll get more clues. What I do then is match it to scripture. Where in our Bible does it talk about “gods”? Where does it talk about “seas”? Jesus walked on water. Jonah stories. Moses striking the rock instead of speaking to the rock as YHWH God had instructed. Water pouring out. Moses used a rod, staff. The dictionary says the “trident” can be a rod or staff. What is the biblical meaning of rod or staff? (See how this works? It works just like a treasure hunt.) The reward for finding the treasure is spiritual. God has given us spiritual tools.

Three. Three prongs. gods. Here’s a secret: they mistranslated many of the words in our English Bible. This is where my 15,000+ hours of study now comes into play. You walk the path. You actually DO what the Bible tells you, whether you want to or not, whether your friends and family understand what you’re doing or not. They won’t. Be kind, teach, but don’t stop. Walk the path. The word “elohim” in our King James Bible is not translated correctly. Fifteen years ago I tried to tell someone in my family this. I’ve never made anyone more angry than when I did that, in my entire life. He was furious. He argued. He refused to listen. He said I was wrong. He would have burned me at the stake that minute if he’d had a match. Christians have been mind-controlled. Let me hide the matches… I am not against Christianity. Quite the opposite. My strivings are FOR the Bible, FOR Jesus, FOR GOD, FOR CHRISTIANITY. The word “elohim” has been translated wrong. It doesn’t mean God. Genesis 1:1 is not about God creating the world. It doesn’t say, “In the beginning God…” It says “Dwelling in the head place of creating, (meaning of Israel; Torah) the “elohim”…” The word “elohim” is talking about Hebrew Masters. (No wonder I made him mad.)

My word of honor for my friend, Gabriel, back when I lived in Orlando, was elohim. I call Gabe “elohim.” I’m an “elohim.” I’ve gathered other “elohim” around me, I write about them, they are in my stories. There are two kinds of elohim, “Heaven” and “Earth.” Gabe is an Earth elohim. He is a master. Elohim means, “gods, rulers, judges.” Gabe is a god. Go deeply into the realm of music, of Rock, of natural talent and advanced skill, in particular of Death Metal, and Gabe is a god. Google him. I’m a god. I’m a god in the realm of ancient Biblical Hebrew, of Torah, of the heavenly realm, spiritual. Gabe and I are yin-yang gods. I was being led by our Father, YHWH, (the only name for God in our entire Bible despite what you’ve/we’ve been taught), in the mastery of the ancient Biblical Hebrew & Greek Bible scriptures (and NO book is higher) in the understanding of how “Heaven” and “Earth” were created by YHWH to interact when God gave me Gabe. I walked that path, by the side of my opposite, for a decade before moving back to Texas. Heaven. Earth. Earth masters learn from the physical realm. Heaven masters learn from the spiritual realm. Then they both begin to cross over. It's a spiral path. Like dna. Like the Analemma in our sky which is like eternity, a figure 8. Genesis 1:1 is describing THIS. This was the phase where God YHWH had me follow him through the “night.” The moon gives light in the night. I learned the moon. It is a concept. Now it is a decade later. What did God YHWH bring me to study? Bigfoot. Werewolves. Guess how that ties in. The Moon. Darkness. Monsters. …and the Trident.

The Trident is the staff, the rod, of gods. Poseidon was the god of water. God YHWH taught me about water long ago. I’m a master of water, of understanding the principles, of the ability to use water. I can create spiritual water. All this is a world inside us. It is what Jesus was teaching us. It is the Kingdom of Heaven. Inside us. The Temple is inside us. The tools of the temple are inside us. The tribes of Israel are inside us. The Promised Land, Canaan, is inside us. All the holy cities of Israel are inside us. Each is a concept. The Trident is a tool. It is inside us. Three prongs, a staff, a rod, gods… a god who rules 3 realms. Heaven, Earth, and Hell.

I’ll learn more as I study more. But this is what I think today, this moment. The moveable tent, the tabernacle, in the wilderness, was an early version of what would become the Temple in Jerusalem. If you have moved the tent inside you from one wilderness location to the next, as described in our scriptures, and conquered the lessons and beaten the enemies, and learned what each means, and how to use the tools of the tabernacle, then of the Temple, then you grasp that it is a journey of walking combined with study. This is the true design scientists call evolution, thinking they are disproving Genesis 1:1. That’s a joke. God created us to evolve. I will know more tomorrow, after I’ve walked today’s lessons, obeyed my Father further, learned. But today, I’m pretty sure those 3 prongs of the Trident represent mastery over the 3 realms.

After I publish, “The Harvest of Chapelgate,” I think I’ll name Book 3 something like “Chapelgate: the gods of Mount Olympus.” That seems to be the realm God YHWH has in mind. All my Bible study, all my previous work, now is showing me that the ancient Biblical Hebrew is describing the same realms as ancient Mythology. Only WE, those of us who follow God YHWH until we master the Kingdom of Heaven inside us, have more power, because we obey God, know more. Heaven is over Earth. It’s fascinating.

The Trident…

Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written October 1, 2024 at 11:32 am


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