Comment on Facebook: “Okay. So here's my question. If we know the government is controlling and playing with the weather, surely we've got enough smart people out there that are not part of the government that could come up with solutions to counteract their actions.”
Angel: “I know the solution but nobody's going to like it or do it. The solution is "Holiness." I've spent 15,000 hours retranslating the Bible because at some point it was changed to fit what we have today. It doesn't say what we've been taught. It says that there are masters of the physical realm AND masters of the spiritual realm. They work together like male/female but Heaven, the spiritual realm, is based on holiness. Those who master it are then sent back down in a figure 8 dna pattern to master the physical laws, science. They go together. They are mated. Right now all we have are the masters of the physical realm. They have taken us beyond just the physical realm into the regions of hell. That's where they make their money. So until someone starts exploring goodness to the extreme, it works like a mirror image, and masters the heavenly realms Jesus was actually telling us about then the earth masters are just going to keep doing what they do and will stay in charge. It is only extreme goodness, actually following Jesus' example and teachings that lead to a path that becomes holiness. The holy ones are more powerful than the earth elite. That is how we win, how we fight back, and it is the ONLY way.”
A different person’s comment: “Angel Isaacs how do we do this and not be affected ?”
Angel: “You simply start. God our Father then leads you. How I started was that I was a Christian who in 1985 wondered if I really understood it. So I prayed for God to teach me what I didn't know. Then I decided to do 3 things myself: 1. I made a vow to read at least 1 Bible scripture verse every single day for 1 year. I kept the vow. Often this caused me to read more and get interested and invested in it. I wound up with 2 Masters in Theology and 15,000 hours of retranslating. It was like a constant search for gold and I loved every step. 2nd I changed from my favorite music, Country, to Gospel. I did not like Gospel but I did it. This fed my spirit. Not so much today because everything is just "praise Jesus" instead of the food you need. So listen to the 70s and 80s Contemporary Christian Music. That's what I had and it worked, nourished me. 3. I promised that I would obey better. That meant that if I knew God didn't want me to lie, or steal, or cheat, or basically any of the 10 Commandments which are the foundation for holiness then I would obey. I stopped saying I was sick if I called in to work cause I didn't want to go. I cleaned up my act. I started obeying. Christianity hates this more than any other thing. Everything is "grace." That's baloney. What I am saying works. You change day by day until the 10 Commandments are internalized. So I just kept that up and I started seeing God was responding to me. He leads you. It is fun. I also sacrificed, in the end, every thing I had to keep going on this path. Sacrifice is very very important. That's what actually made the transition from the way I thought before to how I think now.”
A 3rd person’s comment: “Angel Isaacs wow, this is hell, a man not sure of his name he said he was tired of being evil and tried holiness and the rewards weren’t there, he said so he went back to evil because of the rewards were much much greater. You are so correct.”
Angel: “I’m studying the rewards now. He didn’t go far enough or sincerely enough with the respect for our Father God YHWH as the first law, the foundation. If you go far enough it leads to being able to spiritually mirror every physical science law. The rewards there are staggering, beyond the imagination. I’m matching them up right now, daily. I bought 400 books on every science subject and I’m matching the concepts I’ve learned in our real holy Bible scriptures to science principles. For example, the properties of water. It is beyond anyone’s grasp the riches and power God has placed there for his holy ones. xo”
Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written several weeks ago on Facebook but finished just now November 24, 2024 at 9:37 am