I just finished the book of Judges in the Old Testament, 21 chapters, retranslating. It is simply marvelous. You have no idea. I believe the church I was raised in was one off the last holdouts for the idea that the Bible was inspired. No one seemed to grasp exactly what that meant. But they believed it and believed it ferociously. They taught me. I now believe it and believe it ferociously, and I DO know what it actually means. The Bible is inspired through the holy spirit. I did not say "Holy Spirit." I said holy with a small "h" and spirit with a small "s."
It is entirely dependent on your own spirit what you are shown when you read it. I've said this many times before, written it in my own short-stories many times already, but in 1998 the King James Bible scriptures, both Old Testament and New Testament, began, for the first time in my life or in my knowledge of what we've been taught, BEGAN matching my life. That was what pushed me day after day to keep retranslating until I had mastered what it actually said. For 15,000 hours and over the course of a decade, day by day as I studied, as I lived, as I retranslated based on the foundation my life had already obtained, every single scripture verse matched my own life on whatever particular day I retranslated it.
What do I mean by "retranslated?" I mean that I had already done the 3 things I describe in my main book, "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir." I had already followed God day after day after day through what I call the "Daytime." Then, because I had seen God actively at work, responding to me, during the Daytime of Prosperity, I was willing to trust him and keep it up as it became evening, then midnight, in my own life, in my own life happenings. I followed, I trusted, I walked according to the best of my training and knowledge, increasing that day by day through experience and through dedicated study.
I SAW God at work in my own life in the nighttime, the hard times we each have our own opportunities to explore. I explored mine. I call it Chapelgate in the "Nighttime" and I had both concepts drawn, a bright, day version, and a dark, night version. IF you follow God through BOTH, trusting when it is so, so, so hard to do so, when everything around you is not going as you thought or planned or dreamed, if you STILL follow him, the way I describe in my book, in my songs, in my writings, then eventually you know enough to want to compare your knowledge with what you have learned in church.
I did. They didn't match. Goliath had won when I had faced him like a David child of my Father. It's in my book. But I kept going, trusting that eventually I would understand. That is what lead me to dig deeper and deeper, through my Theology degrees, and then through my taking one single letter of the Bible, in a scripture verse, in a word, and looking it up in my Lexicon. One single letter in an ancient Biblical Hebrew word can contain a concept in and of itself.
So God taught me himself, letter by letter by day by day, AFTER following through the Daytime of Prosperity AND the Nighttime of Suffering and Loss. I'm here, right now, telling you the Holy Bible IS truly inspired.
At this particular moment in time it has been MATCHING concept for concept my everyday life since 1998. That was when I started looking up the letters one by one. I knew the ancient Hebrew did not contain vowels, it urks me to no end to have to constantly read the word "Jesus" the way it is being written and pronounced right now in Theology. NO VOWELS. Vowels allowed for misinterpretation to have it's way with God's children, with the church. Vowels are OUT.
Jesus means "salvation, to save." Salvation from what? Sin? NO. That is vowel riddled and aided MISINTERPRETATION of God's Holy Bible. It means the same thing that is found in the Old Testament book of Joshua. Tricky. They use VOWELS to trick us. Joshua and Jesus have the SAME CONCEPT going on. You can't see that in English because one word looks like "Jesus" and one word looks like "Joshua." Yet, they are, I SAY, the exact same concept. Jesus IS the concept of Joshua. Joshua IS the concept of Jesus. Vowels. I threw out ALL the vowels. Step one.
THEN I also knew that there was such a thing as a 3 letter root. So I looked up the first letter in a word, then because I threw out the nasty, added 600 years later, VOWELS, I then looked up the first and second letter. Then I looked up the first, second, and third letter. I threw out SPACES. Another trick of translators who have decided to shape the NARRATIVE of the Bible to MATCH their own DOCTRINE is to not only use vowels, where none existed in the original, but to also insert SPACES between words where none existed in the original. I threw them out.
Next, I started understanding that the ancient texts were not just using single words, they were using related concepts. A CONCEPT is MUCH deeper, much larger, than a single WORD. One concept links to another concept and the result is DEEP knowledge and training.
I didn't figure all this out by myself. GOD our Father, YHWH, Yahweh, TAUGHT me. How? He did it because of where I had followed him to had shaped my spirit so that I could comprehend concepts. You read through your spirit. Your spirit has to have been submitted to his Will first, and for a very, very intense and long time. Mine was. God shaped my ears, my eyes, my ability to hear and see. How? Chapelgate in the Daytime followed by Chapelgate in the Nighttime. He trained me.
He created my spirit through my walk with him. I documented every single step of the way. I am a trained world-class Documentation Specialist, who documented an historical achievement, creation, by my late husband. I used the same techniques. I documented my walk with God. Then I put it in a book of 800 pages so that God's other children could grasp the path. Concepts. Spirit.
Today, right now, my life has been matching the ancient Biblical Hebrew calendar on EVERY holy day since 1998. Concepts. They match. Today, I finished Judges, chapter 21. I'm telling you that it MATCHED what is happening in my current life. EXACTLY. Concepts. And THAT my friend, is what my church did not know but believed enough to pass that belief on to me as a child. They were correct. The Holy Bible is 100% INSPIRED.
Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written November 4, 2024 at 7:29 pm