(I originally wrote this for my Facebook page because I was posting a mixture of my body of work. I thought to myself, "That must be confusing. Hence this explanation, which I've now turned into one of my short stories.)
Most of the time these days I love babysitting my 5 year old granddaughter, Laileigh Rose. Well, I have a bit of free time right now because she's away so don't get confused, lol. I'm just working on my website, short-stories, and videos. I am a writer. I have 3 product lines I've been creating since 1985: "The Chapelgate Adventure Series" which is about my younger years when my husband was alive and we bought Evins Mill (I renamed it Chapelgate) in Smithville, Tennessee. I wrote that series from 1985 to 2009. 2000 to 2009 includes music stories when I lived in Orlando and had met my friend Gabriel. In 2010 I moved to Austin. In 2014 I created "Texas Tales from a Lone Star." I produced 17 30 minute shows that were aired throughout Central Texas. At the same time I produced many, many independent short-stories, photo collections, and videos. I have about 20 million (well, almost) of those and simply got tired. So sometimes I work on them and I have plans to turn more of my videos/photos/stories into completed work. As I do I put them on my website. I may or may not turn them into Austin Public Studios, I have that option because I am currently a Producer there, as an independent. Last, I created "Angel Creek" which is my Bigfoot and Ozarks property short-stories. I recently wrote a short-story called, "The Design of My Writings." It explains this in detail and ties together what appears to be disparate content. All my content, my writings, work, fall into these categories. At the same time I've been creating "Adventures in Swan" with Laileigh.
My stories about Gabe, Mark, and Andy, are all part of my "Texas Tales from a Lone Star" series. What they have in common is that they are each the best of the best in their fields, as was my late husband, Robin. Robin's work established and directed an entire industry, was historical. He was a genius. He taught me how to integrate my work. He is the inspiration for "The Chapelgate Adventure Series" which documents my walk with God and this journey God created for me to walk.
God is a genius. He puts disparate elements together into a symphony called his Word. It is displayed and captured in the Holy Bible, in the deepest roots and meanings. The Bible is supernaturally inspired and much much deeper and astonishing than anyone has yet even suspected. Likewise, God's Word is also in his Creation as a whole and identical to the patterns in the scriptures. This is why I am now studying physics and the physical realm, to link the two together. Spiritual/Physical.
Gabriel is the best drummer I met in 12 years in the music scene in Orlando/Central Florida. He was the best. He is also internationally known and an icon in the Tampa old school death metal world. Gabe is a Master, an Elohim. Mark was Sylvester Stallone's body/stunt double for 21 years and has been in 180 feature films. He's in the Hollywood Stunt Men Hall of Fame. Plus he teaches my granddaughter, Laileigh. Mark is a Master, an Elohim. Andy is the heroic heart of fiercely independent Texas and does many interesting Texas things which I've written short-stories about and filmed and which is the idea my television series was inspired by. (I produce it in the Live Music Capital of the World, hence bringing Gabe in to help me. Plus Gabe is in my earlier product line main book, "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir.") In my Angel Creek stories that role is portrayed by both Jerry and Ella. Jerry Williams is known as "The Bigfoot Expert." He is a Choctaw Medicine Man Warrior. Elite. Ella is his personally trained lead companion. When they produced the 2 hour report of my land they demonstrated they are the best. Those stories tie the physical realm to the spiritual realm, which is what my Bible retranslation says is God's true pattern for his Word. My characters are masters, each of them.
I spent 15,000 hours after a Master's degree in Religion and a Master of Divinity retranslating the Bible one single letter at a time. As a result I disagree with what the English says. I don't just disagree with a word here or there, I disagree with the entire paradigm we are currently taught and are using in Christianity. That is my goal for the next stage of my life, to write about the original, true paradigm. I disagree with the translation of the word "elohim." It does not mean "God." It means, "gods, rulers, judges," in the context of the spiritual metaphysical Torah (masters) and in the context of the physical realm (masters). Elohim means the Elite, the best of the best.
That is why I write short-stories whose true life characters are real life elohim. God led me to them in my life. They are special and the Bible doesn't make sense in its original meaning without that concept. The Bible is both physically true and spiritually true. It has a pattern. The pattern is in the shape of the holy temple. The temple physically existed. The temple spiritually exists in us and in Creation. That is the integrated conclusion that my body of work will show. God answered my prayer, that I prayed in 1985, "Dear God, if there is more to Christianity than I understand would you please show me?" God is a genius.
There. Is that better? Lol Love you guys, I write and using Facebook motivates me to do daily work. Eventually I'll have everything finished including my work in progress book, "The Harvest of Chapelgate" which ties together my retranslation of the Bible into physics. All my work is integrated into that main idea. xo Angel
Copyright 2023 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written February 3 at 1:52 am

Mount Olympus