I missed the 3 hour long weekly Bigfoot Tracker’s online class last week. That meant I had to listen to it (and take notes) by myself, before tonight’s class. I spent two DAYS on that. Probably EIGHT hours. I kept pausing it to write my Notes. I kept pausing it to go google stuff. It was invaluable. We studied the Choctaw beliefs of these creatures’ origins. Jerry lead us through his interpretation of the Choctaw Creation Myth, “The Legend of Time,” (Lead Tracker E, his wife, as well). Then he tied it in to his/their version of what they think the Bible is/says (which pretty much made me upset because I disagree). Then he/they compared it to the Aztec Sun Stone, which was fascinating. Then he/they compared all 3 of those to the Egyptian Dendara Zodiac. As for myself, I see how all 3 of those have overlapping areas with the ancient Biblical Hebrew King James Bible scripture I have been retranslating for decades. What I see in our Holy Bible is vastly superior to any of the other 3 documents/doctrines and is correct. The problem is that they can’t see what I see when we read the Bible. But no one else I’ve found yet can either. The main thing is that our Holy Bible is God’s Word. It IS 100% COMPLETE and it IS 100% INSPIRED. If you believe this and study it as deeply as I have then God shows you what it says. Otherwise, you can’t grasp how truly HOLY and Sacred it is. You don’t need ANY other document, everything else is inferior to our Holy Bible. Yes, the King James Bible in English CAN get you to this knowledge but only if you trust God to lead you and teach you through obeying what Jesus said was the first commandment (see my previous story, today: "Love YHWH Yahweh God the Father, First” Jesus, HERE).
So it took me eight hours because those other documents/doctrines are inferior to the Bible. I had to keep figuring out what those 3 documents/doctrines were saying and comparing it not just to the Holy King James Bible but to my own understanding of the ancient Biblical Hebrew and Greek OF those English words, which I have trained myself to be able to do.
God, YHWH, Yahweh’s Holy Bible IS God’s complete WORD. There is NO OTHER, nothing, superior to it. Nothing is incorrect in our King James English Bible. Nothing has been “left out.” RESPECT for it as the SUPERIOR authority is the foundation we are to build on. Nothing else. Nothing.
The problem is that our English translation is not conveying the thoughts and doctrine that is in the ancient Biblical Hebrew and Greek, under it. That’s what I study. I can see how that deep level of our Holy Bible teaches some of the very same ideas found in the other 3 documents/doctrines. How can that be? It can be BECAUSE our Holy Bible documents God’s Word perfectly and God’s Word is written physically in Nature/Creation as well as inside us when we do as Jesus taught us and eliminate ANY “idol” or belief system other than what the Bible teaches us. That is LAW Number 1: eliminate idolatry. That means to respect the Bible OVER any other Doctrine. They are incorrect. Throw them out.
Now. Having said that, I will say that a LOT of those other 3 documents/doctrines have surprisingly similar areas where they overlap our Bible and no not Genesis 6, that’s a bandaid idolatry has pushed on Christians. Genesis 6 does NOT say that fallen angels mated with daughters of man. WRONG.
It is the TRANSLATION into English combined with a focus that is primarily scientific/physical that is creating the problem. You cannot read the Bible from a purely physical mindset. It is a combination (mating) of Natural Physical Law and Natural Spiritual Law. Our Holy Bible contains BOTH. Likewise, those other 3 documents/doctrines cannot be read from a purely physical mindset. They are communicating their truly remarkable grasp of the combination of Natural Physical Law (mated with) Natural Spiritual Law.
When I look at those 3 documents/doctrines I see they were created by those who have studied both God’s physical law and God’s metaphysical law. They are truly remarkable.
Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written March 6, 2025 at 1:13 pm