I started today's short-story this morning. I finished it just now, 10 pm. It is a masterpiece. Read it. xo Angel
Today's interest... back to figuring out the Old Testament book of Ruth. See yesterday's posts. Scroll down. Always check in the Comments. I put links there. xo PS I think the timing is significant. Yesterday and today God moved me to study Red. I see new hope in my news stream. Now, next step, we get our true Bible back & true Jesus back. YHWH. Then we fix our Nation. I'm going to put updates as I study this, just keep checking. A like would be helpful emotionally.
Update: Ok. Barley. I'm pretty sure it is talking about how the crop, field of "Barley" - which is not yet as good as a crop of wheat - is the first to spring up in Red. I think, so far, that it is describing when those of the world, who are not like us in our belief in God, see that we have special strength and benefits. It attracts them to us. Red is going to be Step One. I think it is also talking about those who have been following a faulty doctrine, in the same way, when they see the fruit, crops, strength of true Israel, they are also attracted by it. So it is like how I have been describing to you how God moves supernaturally in my life, how long he has been doing it, what he does, and you finally grasp that this exists and might help you. You look at your current relationship with God and you compare it to what I, a true Israelite, talk about, and you see that there is something there that is missing from your own walk. That's because you're not really walking. Christianity, as it exists right now, is full of people sitting down. Jesus said, "Get up and walk." It seems that in Chapter One of "Ruth" - Red - the first step in the frequencies of the rainbow - I told you I was writing from the final step - Violet - and from the unseen frequencies beyond Violet, which is where the Supernatural is, is being described. It is all done with concepts. When you master one concept, in your walk with God, then he leads you to the next concept. I think the reason why I've had so much Supernatural in my life is because I chose to set out on a path of faith that actually matched, "Get up and walk." I think I understand more because I've walked more concepts. They build. Boaz has the letter "bet" in it, the B, which means "to dwell." You have to "dwell" in walking, it has to become natural to you to be focused on God all the time. I think I will start posting some of my earliest poems and songs so you can see the path better. This is exactly matching the Science I've been busy studying, right now I'm on WWII and the Holy Relics the N'zs were after, it ties in. When I describe, below, how Vows and Sacrifice worked and resulted in God leading me to grasp YinYang it matches Tesla's Electromagnetism in Science. See the power? Ruth - Red - is going to be drawn to Boaz, B means to dwell, and oaz contains the concept of Strength, so Dwelling in Strength. Naomi has a "nun" in it which means "not" the way I interpret, which is correct because it works, and the aomi has the concept of People in it, so - "Not My People." It is talking about the same thing God said to Abraham, "Get out of your country and away from your people, because I'm going to take you to a new place, the Promised Land, Canaan. Think of these stories as working inside of you. Jesus taught us that the Holy Temple was inside us. This is how you get there. You get up and walk. It is in the System that exists because YHWH our Father God created the system all around us. That's why it works. That's why the Bible has actual power. It connects the teachings, the stories, to the actual design God has in place. Jesus was teaching us from the Supernatural level, probably levels above where I myself have yet walked but I've explored past Violet for us. We're all walking, like Jesus instructed. He knew these things because I can see it in his teachings. Ok back to Ruth and later my WWII book. Oh, and Barley. I think that the first crop on the level Red is that you master your fear. Our fear can paralyze us. It can keep us from actually walking the system. Read 1 verse of your Bible today. Listen to 1 Christian song from the 1980s, they still had food in them back then, I'll put some in the Comments, they helped me. Obey 1 time today and do something you would not normally do that you think would please God. That's Step One. That's "Red." PS I voted one time in my entire life. That was for Trump the first time. I've never bought in to the Red/Blue politics. I pick what God says, regardless of what color in our Nation is saying it. Trump did some things that made me not trust him, like promoting the V.cc.n. So I went back to not voting and didn't. But I did. You can vote in your spirit. I voted for God our Father to govern our Nation. That vote is the vote that counts and can't be stolen or abused. xo.
Update: I'm in Ruth Chapter 2 now. I just read "attach thirsty, attach the walk." That's cool! It is like I'm saying. Now it is talking about how the physical world was created by God YHWH to teach us the concepts we will need in the spiritual world, they are identical. Think about what happens when you go for a walk. You get thirsty. The same thing happens in the spiritual world. When you "get up and walk" like Jesus told us to, then you get thirsty. Remember how I vowed to read 1 verse from the Bible per day? 1 verse makes you thirsty, you find yourself wanting to know what the next verse says. So you read 2 verses. Pretty soon you go to keep your vow and read 1 verse and find you have read an entire paragraph. When you read it it sparked a thirst in you because what it said led to another question or complimented another verse you already knew. Or, like I've described happened to me, you connect it to something that just happened in your life that day. It works like that. Walking makes you thirsty. That is what is in Ruth Chapter 2 so far. xo
Update: Oh, that's cool. I just got to the part where Ruth asks Boaz WHY he is helping her. It says that she takes refuge from underneath his wings. This is like a mother hen, taking her chicks under her wing. God has it designed that we are all at different stages in our walk, at different times. I've been a chick taking refuge under a hen's wing before. Today, I am the hen and through what I am writing and showing you you can take refuge underneath my wing. See how it works? That's what is being described with Ruth and Boaz. She is at Step 1. She is going to a different land, a different people. Boaz is helping her, he is protecting her, guiding her. You have people who seek refuge under your wing. If you don't then you will, once you start grasping these concepts. I have people who seek refuge under my wing. It is describing that.
Update: I just got to the gleaning/threshing part. This is way harder to grasp. It's easy once you know. But if you don't know then it doesn't make any sense. That's how the interpretations got messed up. Know what? The correct Doctrine. That's what the ENTIRE Bible and ALL the stories are about. We, Christianity today, have the Doctrine wrong. The paradigm. Our paradigm is wrong. Since it is wrong it makes it impossible to grasp what the stories are actually talking about. The only way I was able to figure it out, myself, is because I did exactly what I am describing for you to do, starting at Ruth, Red. Here's the correct Doctrine: God has created a physical realm and a spiritual realm. They are identical. They exist in the large, overall, corporate, universal realm. They exist in the small, individual realm, you. Our big corporate, universal realm is messed up, not correct, teaching false Doctrine. All the Christians have been taught to sit down and be quiet. Wrong. You have to walk. As you walk God reveals his Doctrine, his Design, his WORD. Jesus WAS God's Word, because Jesus had WALKED God's Word. As you master these concepts step by step it changes you. It is designed to build the Holy Temple inside you. I'm what is called an Israelite "who has sprung up naturally from the soil." I wasn't raised in Judaism, I was raised in fundamental Christianity. Even if I HAD been raised in Judaism I STILL wouldn't have grasped these concepts because the corporate, large, body of Judaism has it wrong too. They don't know what I am teaching you. Christianity does not know what I am teaching you. New Age does not know what I am teaching you. Science does not know what I am teaching you. AI will never know what I am teaching you. YOU can know what I'm teaching you if you simply try it. It works.
Ok. The WAY it works is that we have a Father, God, YHWH, dwelling in Heaven, the upper frequencies, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Promised Land, the Holy Temple. We ALSO have a Mother and the ancient Biblical letters "AM" is HER name. I couldn't grasp that for a long, long time because Christianity doesn't teach that. It's in the ancient Biblical Hebrew of our Bible AND it is also in the ancient Biblical Greek of our New Testament, which I always convert back to the Hebrew concepts because God designed Creation in ancient Biblical Hebrew. Everything is Hebrew.
Our Mother is in charge of Earth, meaning the physical realm. Our Father created it all. He is the HEAD of the family, the source. New Age does not acknowledge his existence. They think he IS his Creation. Nope. He has a name. We pronounce that either Yahweh or Jehovah. He is NOT Jesus. Jesus means "salvation" and it is talking about saving PEOPLE who have become BLIND and DEAF and DUMB and even Demonic DUE TO their failure to walk the path God designed and that Jesus walked and was teaching us to walk.
The physical realm matches, mirrors, the spiritual realm. The Mother is the concept of how Science works. How everything physical actually works. God set it up that way to prepare his children to be able to grasp the spiritual realm. Everything works the same. So if you have "built a house" or "lived in a house" physically then that prepares you to be able to grasp the spiritual concept of what a "house" is, what "building a house" is. Jesus was Master of the Spiritual realm, to the point where he WAS God's Word. God's Word existed perfectly inside Jesus' body, mind, and spirit. He was applying the principles he knew, the concepts he had mastered, to the physical world. The reason why current Theology, our current Christianity, our understanding of our current Bible, our Churches, is wrong is because they are primarily focused on the PHYSICAL realm. It's all about the SPIRITUAL realm. These Bible stories are describing actual principles that exist in both the physical realm and in the spiritual realm. They are leading to the building of the Holy Temple, spiritually, inside your mind, heart, and being. I'm just now to the point where I've mastered that, I have the Holy Temple, spiritually, inside me and have now since my Orlando years. I suspect that now that I'm studying Science, the physical realm, with all the books I've bought that I will begin to grasp how to manifest the spiritual into the physical. The spiritual is master over the physical. We have had it backwards. We have thought the physical was over the spiritual nope. Heaven is over Earth. God is over the Mother. It all works together as a unit, as a family unit.
So now, in the part of Ruth I just read, in Chapter 2, it started talking about threshing the crops and gleaning. You can't grasp that until you have the correct DESIGN, the correct DOCTRINE, the correct PARADIGM back in place. The threshing verses are describing something based on that. Think polar opposites. God has everything designed in an electromagnetism design, with opposites, with positive and negative poles. The threshing is discussing what happens when Boaz is helping Ruth, he is leaving grain for her, to make it easy for her. I'm leaving grain for you, to make it easy for you. I grew these crops myself. I threshed this grain myself. I'm leaving little daily handfuls for you out of compassion to kick start your ability to do it yourself. So the threshing is talking about what happens in a particular segment of the Design. Opposites. Those who have focused on Science, on the physical, on the Mother, wind up with a bunch of money. They have learned the basic principles on how you GET money. At this particular place on the cycle, in the Design, it is describing where Heaven intersects with Earth. Just like I'm leaving little handfuls of my own harvest for you, God has it set up that those who focus on Heaven, on the spiritual, are fed physically by those who have mastered Earth, the physical principles. I have Spiritual money, Spiritual GOLD. THEY have Physical money, physical gold. God brings the two together. I just read that it was aggravating for both because the gold is being dribbled out when an entire big warehouse of it exists. I get frustrated by those whom God has in my own life, who have mastered the physical realm, have physical money, because I'm very poor. I'm poor because I spent all MY time and effort on mastering the Heavenly, spiritual realm, where I have WAREHOUSES FULL of GOLD. They, have become Poor, spiritually. We are not discussing the middle, we are discussing the poles, how the poles work. Both of us are dribbling it out a handful at a time. It can get aggravating. It is designed in polar opposite parallels. Think about it. What did Jesus teach in? He taught in Parables. That contains the concept of PARALLEL. A lot of the poetic tools used in ancient Biblical Hebrew use parallelism. This is why. Theology doesn't know that so don't Google it because Google doesn't know it either. I know it because I walked it. I live it. Rich on one end, poor on the other, polar opposites. That's what the threshing and gleaning verses are talking about. xo
Oh. wow. I am now in Ruth Chapter 3. Naomi tells Ruth to bathe and put on perfume and go to Boaz, her near (one man nearer but he forfeits later) kinsman redeemer, based on Hebrew law. She is to watch him eat, without letting him know she is there. Then she is to notice where he lies down. Once he's asleep, Naomi instructs her to "uncover his feet and lay down at his feet." So that leads us to googling whether or not that is sexual. A few say yes, it means she slept with him. More say, no, of course not, she was proposing marriage but it was not sexual. So, how do you know which one is right and why does it even matter?
It matters because these stories will match the lives of those who actually follow God and Jesus' teachings, based on a proper understanding of God's Design of his Word, and a proper translation of what the Bible is actually telling us. I've already gone over that. The Design we have is wrong. So that makes our ability to grasp what is actually happening in the story wrong. The only way you can get the story right is if it is revealed to you by God himself. God has told me, repeatedly, to stop teaching. Just like a person on the physical plane who sins over and over until they are incapable of not sinning, I, on the heavenly plane, am a mirror. I can't stop teaching. Both sides sin. That's the Design. God USES the sin, on both sides, to lead us to a place where he cleanses us. God forgives us, meaning he takes the sin away. He doesn't do it like Christianity teaches. It is built in to his Design. Jesus knew this, "Go your way and sin no more," is what he said to the woman caught in adultery. That story isn't what we've been told, either. The woman is not only unrepentant but hardened to the point where she CAN'T stop sinning. So Jesus sends her into the system. Jesus knows the Design, the system, God has built into nature on both the earth, physical plane, and on the heaven, spiritual plane. He is a MASTER, a Prophet, Priest, and King OF ISRAEL, of ancient Biblical Hebrew. So, first of all you aren't going to get anywhere near understanding this story until you understand ancient Biblical Hebrew and even today's Jews don't. It is deeper than I've seen ANYONE grasp, Christian or Jew. It is deeper than "did they have sex" or "didn't they have sex?" They did. Not physically. Boy, this is deep. It is a deep, DEEP play on ancient Biblical Hebrew DESIGN interactions between the Earth thinking God has built into the physical system and the Heaven thinking God has built into the spiritual system. These two systems are marrying. These two systems are mating, having sex. These two systems are obeying God's laws that are BUILT by God into both systems. This is WAY deep. What is going on is that it is the same thing that Jesus was doing when he sent the unrepentant, hardened adulteress into God's Design. Jesus WAS forgiving her but he was doing so by understanding how God's Design works and directing the woman into the Design. Same thing is happening in Ruth. When I looked up the word "Ruth" a little bit ago, again, but this time in my lexicon where words are grouped by spelling, sometimes, ha, I noticed that the word just before "Ruth" had a similar spelling but meant "to expose." Ruth is exposing Boaz, "uncovering." Boaz, a mirror image and we know that by understanding how the system is designed, is mirroring her action and "uncovering" HER. They are EXPOSING each other. There is no sexual act involved, it is WAY deeper than that. There IS a spiritually sexual act (yep, we can do that, Jesus said so, what you do in your heart is the same as what you do in your body) occurring. They DO spiritually have sex. We can have spiritual sex. We can even have pure, ok with God, spiritual sex, under certain circumstances. If we have spiritually married each other or if God has spiritually joined us then we can have spiritual sex and it is Ok. They have spiritual sex. How? Physical sex and physical marriage are mirror images of spiritual sex and spiritual marriage. So that means that there was a physical "kinsmen redeemer" AND it matches the spiritual "kinsmen redeemer" concept. That's what is happening here. Another clue, that tells me this, is the GL word. I write about the GL word in my short-story, "Galilee and Cern." See the GL in Galilee? Same concept. Jesus of Galilee. Same concept. It means a "circuit" or to "roll away." God has his Design in the shape of a circle, sort-of like a circle, I think it is probably a Toroidal Field, look it up. That's what is happening in Ruth. Boy, this is deep. They have sex, they are married, Boaz does redeem Ruth but not in the way you think. The story is deeper. It is describing the same thing Jesus did, when Jesus, who understood that the Design of "Galilee" was a Toroidal Field, yep, he knew, sent the adulteress INTO the Design, to "sin no more." This is describing when that happens. They are both "exposed." The spiritual "man" and the physical "woman" - Heaven and Earth - are joining in the ancient Hebrew laws through the usage of GL. The law is kept perfectly. It is kept on the spiritual plane because when the physical character of Ruth, Red, is "uncovered" it does not yet possess the power it needs to keep the law. So it is "released" into the system, into the Design, by the superior spiritual character of Boaz, who not only keeps the physical Jewish law but keeps the spiritual Jewish real meaning of the law. It's deep. Way, way, way, way deep. How do I know?
I know because every time I retranslate the Holy Scripture from beyond the Violet stage of "Light" of the rainbow, from the frequencies I see by that are supernatural, beyond Violet, I do so because God makes the concept happen supernaturally in my life, that day, that hour, that minute, SO I can grasp what is being said. In this way God makes me perfect, forgives my sin. My sin is that I can't stop teaching. It is deeply ingrained. This is way beyond anything you can Google or look up in Christianity explanations or Jewish explanations, this is on an entirely different plane that they are not yet on. Ruth Chapter 3 happened to me moments before I retranslated it. It always does. So I just live my life, experience what the scripture is about to tell me, because it just happened, my emotions are still even hot and upset over it, just happened, and THEN I retranslate and say, "Oh. That's what just happened. Well, that means...." That is how this is done. You have to walk the path, beginning at Red. It advances through all the colors until you wear the purple, the violet, of the Kings, of the upper frequencies, and pass on into the supernatural realms. That's where this happens. That's where this was written from. This is inspired. This is read through the holy spirit. It is reserved for those who have walked the path. And that's how God forgives me because there's no way I can "teach" you, I'm clean, forgiven, pure, he makes me so through his Design. You have to walk it. It is a closed door until you walk it. So the Christian explainers and the Jewish explainers - when you Google this - are not even in the same ballpark as what is actually being taught in the Bible scriptures. They are both wrong.
So, Ruth. God has allowed me enough grace that I can point you in the right direction. You have to get up and walk. We each do. We are taught that way, forgiven that way, and it is by Design. Maybe I've shown you enough that you know how to find it yourself, and that it exists. Just do three things... I've already told you what 3 things I did when I started this journey. Do that. 800 pages of documentation wait for you to get you started. And with that, I'll obey my Father, and quit teaching you about Ruth. Red. The first color in the rainbow. xo Angel
Update: I just finished Chapter 4, the final chapter. It is on my mind so I'm going to write it down. What it is talking about is a sort-of crucifixion. It is describing the final point where someone who is on the Earth side of God's design, Ruth, and someone who is on the Heaven side of God's design, Boaz, meet. Passover is always, even with Jesus, and even with the Hebrew laws, and even today, which is why we need our Hebrew calendar, talking about when someone from the Earth side "passes over" to the Heaven side, and someone from the Heaven side "passes over" to the Earth side. Ruth is describing Step One. It is Step One on both sides. The Earth side focuses on Self and Money. The Heaven side focuses on Others and Spiritual Gold. The entire thing, Ruth, is talking about this and is documenting what happens at this particular point in God's Design. It is also documenting that whoever is on the Heaven side is dominant over whoever is on the Earth side. When you get to the very end, tip, of the Design, on the Self/Money Earth side you feel like you have succeeded and are the Sovereign King of your world. You are. But your morals have been destroyed. Your comprehension of God's laws has been corrupted. Same thing in a mirror image on the Heaven side. You feel like you have succeeded and are the Sovereign King of your world. You are. Your morals are extremely fine tuned. You walk in perfect harmony with your Father, God. However, you are very poor because your focus has been totally on God for a very, very long time, in my case from birth. That is the garment Jesus wore that was sewn as a whole.
John 19:23 “Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took his garments, and made four parts, to every soldier a part; and also his coat: now the coat was without seam, woven from the top throughout.”
Both people on both sides are "Jesus" and have that same garment, woven as a whole. The person on the Earth side has carried the person on the Heaven side financially from birth. This has made them resentful, bitter, malicious, mean, even evil. The person on the Heaven side has carried the person on the Earth side spiritually from birth. This has made them appear as if they are breaking God's law because God's Design is that we "walk" - we work. Their work has been in the Spiritual Realm, not the Physical Realm. They have both carried each other as the other "broke the law." The Earth person wants to be free from the duty of financially carrying the Heaven person. The Heaven person wants to be free from the constantly increasing severe pain that they have borne for their entire lives from the lack of true morals of the Earth person. They are mirror images of each other. When they were each "exposed" like I wrote of, the Heaven person with the superior insight and understanding of God's law as it is truly meant to exist in the interior private being/heart in true goodness sees the corrupt Earth person as extremely wicked, because they are, they have just learned to wear a garment of goodness. It reaches a breaking point when the Earth person makes a final move to destroy the Heaven person. This is the crucifixion. Extremely painful. The Heaven person "exposes" VERBALLY all the entire lifetime, a whole garment, of abuse they have endured trying to supply the Earth person with spiritual food, example, and direction. They've had enough. Not only that they see that the malicious intention of the Earth King is to completely destroy them. So they say, "Enough!" They "chastise" and bring to Judgment the wicked deeds they've endured at the hand of the Earth King. It is that very endurance, built as a whole, true, undergarment of goodness and morality, that protects them. The fact that they have done this, been actually, truly good, faithful to the true spiritual meaning of all of God's laws, the Heaven side of the Design, gives them tremendous insight. They can see right through the "garment" of the wicked Earth King and they strip it off and chastise them and by verbally SAYING the history of true goodness they have walked and the repeated wickedness that they have endured from the Earth King, it establishes them as being in a superior position, one which the Earth King cannot fight and is subdued. The "not my people" is the feeling the Earth King has towards the Heaven King. "Not my people" is, likewise, the feeling the Heaven King has towards the Earth King. Both have kept God's law and broken God's law, because God's law is mirrored but attuned to each side. On the Earth side you are to work, physically. On the Heaven side you are to work, spiritually. Both have. But each sees the other side person as having broken the law. So in "RED" there is a "Final Showdown" wherein each side "redeems" the other side. The Heaven side has protected the Earth side from the ramifications of their meanness towards them, which has descended into actual breaking the laws of Earth, literally. They have carried that person, out of devotion to God, far, far past many evil deeds that that person sneakily did to them, hurting them. The Earth side has protected the Heaven side from the ramifications of their taking advantage of them financially. They feel that legally they are set free from having to do so any longer and their plan is to throw off that person. RED. This is talking about the FIRST LEVEL of the Rainbow. At the Crucifixion, which means to DRIVE DOWN STAKES, the Earth King INTENDS and TRIES to legally MAKE the Heaven King "WALK." Walking means "WORK" Likewise, at the Crucifixion, which means to DRIVE DOWN STAKES, the Heaven King INTENDS and TRIES to morally MAKE the Earth King "WALK." Walking means "WORK" and on the Heaven side this means to Keep the true MEANING of God's laws, of goodness, of morality, and NOT to just "pretend" and keep a garment on covering up their true wicked heart. It works. But it works to the ADVANTAGE of the HEAVEN King. Heaven is OVER Earth. We live on a FLAT type Earth with Heaven OVER it, probably within a torus field, see my Flat Earth stories. That physical DESIGN is important because it symbolizes the spiritual DESIGN. Heaven is DOMINANT to Earth. True goodness, true obedience to God's laws, which lead to true morality, is superior to thinking only about yourself and trying to make yourself King over riches. The Heaven side is not only King over spiritual riches but is dominant in being placed by God into a safe position where the wickedness of the morally corrupt Earth King can't do them further harm. The Heaven King SEPARATES the Earth King from them, they prove their Sovereignty, and this is done by the mountain of patience, and endurance, they have built up over the entire course of their lives. A WHOLE Garment. They have a Garment over their true goodness, and this is "EXPOSED" during the showdown.
The result is that the Heaven King, is protected, is dominant, but also now grasps the laws of the Earth physical realm. However, they HAVE "worked." So they have kept those laws because they kept the essence, real meaning of God's "work" laws. The Earth King is now not just forced into Step One, Red, of actually keeping the meaning of the laws which is morality done sincerely from the heart towards God, but WANTS to go that direction. They realize the Heaven Kind, "not my people" is BETTER than their false god, the god of modern Christianity. We are comparing the god of modern Christianity to the true God YHWH of Israel. So the Earth King SEES that the god/God are NOT the same. They see the protection and goodness of Israel and see the POWER of Israel's God YHWH, the only and true God. They want it. So they go to Step One, Red. Likewise, the Heaven King sees God's laws as they exist on the Earth side and realize they are mirror images of each other. However, they have already "worked" so they are released from the law and get to stay in their Heaven realm.
This is the path to Christ. Ruth ends with David as a result. David is in the genealogy of Jesus, of Christ. This is the path to Christ Consciousness. Step One. Red. Red, the first color of the Rainbow. "Not my people" becomes "Is my people." A wall separates me from harm.
Update: I just figured out that this, what I just described is Axis Mundi. Where Heaven touches Earth. Ruth, in its real meaning, is Axis Mundi. I know because I just lived it and God matched it to the scriptures in Ruth Chapters 1-4 that I just translated. Now I will continue to have $ while I work on grasping all the 400 books I’ve bought as I finish restoring and advancing God’s Word. This is also Valhalla, and the Holy Lance (what the Earth King did to me after I had died to Heaven to resurrect on Red level One, Ruth, of Earth. The protection I had from the Earth spear was due to my mountain of obedience to God’s laws in their true spiritual meaning, and because I kept them under long duress and even through crucifixion. The mirrored crown of thorns was how the Earth King wove all the different ways he(she) hurt me over the years. Mine was how I bore it all and wove it all into a crown of righteousness.
I just magically happen to be reading pages 191-192 about this exact thing in my WW2 Book I’m reading about the Nazis. “Hitler’s Holy Relics” by Sidney D. Kirkpatrick. SUPERNATURAL. The result of this: Enlightenment. Grasping how the Bible is Designed as God’s Word and how the physical realm is Designed as God’s Word & how Jesus BECAME God’s Word. Heaven is over Earth. Mt. Olympus.
The End.
Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written November 6, 2024 at 7:12 am (The day after US Election Day, 2024); Finished at 10:00 pm

This came to my attention when I went to find on 80s Christian song that had food in it. I watched Tucker the other day describe this. Just now God showed me a Priest Exorcist analyzing what he said. Maybe this is Step One for our Nation. To grasp this exists.
I believe there’s pearly gates
And I can’t wait to see
The mansion He’s preparing
And building just for me
His kingdom is within us
His kingdom is yet to be
I want to live in Heaven
And let Heaven live in me
Heaven’s streets are made of gold
And people will cry no more
But down here on earth we think we’re waiting
All along we have the keys to Heaven’s door
His kingdom is within us
His kingdom is yet to be
I want to live in Heaven
And let Heaven live in me
Yes, we are His holy temple
And I can’t wait to be
Made of gold and filled with treasure
Oh, He’s building inside me. Angel
Copyright 1986 Angel Isaacs
The toroidal electromagnetic field that surrounds our flat earth.