And again, it comes full circle. As I listened to this lady describing what happened to her grandparents my ears went up and I screenshot all the places she was talking about.

Why did that matter? Read my story about "Trust God through Plot Twists." HERE This is ANOTHER cycle, like I'm describing in "Go UP! Intentions win." HERE For no reason other than God decided to put a plot twist in my walk with him about 5 years and introduce me to something I would NEVER have thought of otherwise - Bigfoot - I spent the last few years trying to figure out if they were real and if so what they were. I JUST finished my FINAL story a few days ago, "Conclusion to Angel Creek." HERE
One of my previous stories was "Eye Witness: Yes, they are in Tennessee & Texas." HERE It was describing what I prefer to call Werewolves. There is a very famous Tennessee former Sheriff who had an experience with Werewolves in Tennessee and I heard it in one of my previous Cryptid groups I was in at the time. When I heard it I wrote him and told him my thoughts. Then I wrote a short-story about it. HERE I'll probably turn this into a story in a minute. (I am. THIS story.)
This is ANOTHER of God's LONG CYCLES in action that I tell you about in today's story, "Go UP! Intentions win." HERE I am telling you how prayer actually works. This is an example God just sent me through my sis in Christ AND through that previous contact with the Sheriff, Martin. I sent it to him.
I said: "Martin, I'm the lady who wrote a short-story about your story when I was in Darrell's group. I told you I thought it was when you prayed the 23rd Psalm, the specific words you were on at the time that changed what happened. So look at this. This lady is describing the Land Between the Lakes and what happened there to her grandparents - the exact same place all the Cryptids are. I bet their being there has something to do with this background of what happened there long ago. xo"
Ok, here's the video my sis sent me and I sent to Martin. You really need to read all the stories I've mentioned to feel the full effect of this. I'm documenting one of God's CYCLES - how you PRAY and how he ANSWERS - in a CYCLE
Wow. 100%. My sis in Christ sent me this after I put one of my stories on her page today.) This is absolutely true. Go UP!!! See, this is a CYCLE, a very powerful long cycle. The cycles are different lengths. Short, medium, long. This cycle is long. VERY powerful. This is being described in Hebrews 11, about Jericho.
"We've been taught to look for God in a straight line. NO. "Pray equals God helping." NO. It does NOT work in a straight line. It works in a CYCLE. Pray. Evil keeps winning. Pray. Trust. Sacrifice. Respond with high frequencies anyway. POW. God sets them up. THEN they fall. It is NOT a straight line. It is a CYCLE." HERE
Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written October 9, 2024 at 6:45 pm (hours before a new geoengineered monster of a hurricane is being steered through low frequency hellish desires towards greed and false leadership. Now there are geoengineered tornados too. See that story HERE)