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New Age "Downloads" vs. Heaven Insight; Lion

The New Age ascension teachings are on the Earth path, that I constantly describe (see my website). Spiritual Israel is a mirror. Spiritual Israel teachings are on the Heaven path. One is Male (Heaven) and one is Female (Earth). One is figuring out God created Natural Law (New Age/Earth path). The other is figuring out God created Spiritual Law (Spiritual Israel/Heaven path). The Earth path and the Heaven paths mate. They are mirror images of each other but the wisdom and power of Spiritual Israel far exceeds that of the New Age ascension teachings. One leaves God out (Earth) - MIRROR - One puts God in (Heaven). Jesus' genealogy shows, through symbolism of Mary (Earth) marrying Joseph (Heaven) that He was the combination of both paths. Earth - Left eye. Heaven - Right eye. Jesus - BOTH eyes.

What I am personally doing is this... Jesus INSTRUCTED US to "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness and All these things will be added unto you." So that's what I did. I skipped over the Earth/Physical path, pretty much ignored Science my entire life, pretty much ignored focusing on myself, my entire life, and I obeyed Jesus, trusted him to know what he was talking about, and went straight to the Heaven/Spiritual path. This is where your focus is on the Spiritual aspect of life and on Sacrifice and helping others. You INTERNALIZE the ESSENCE of ALL the 10 Commandments. The Earth/Physical path merely EXTERNALIZES Natural Law.

These two paths create MINDSETS in whoever walks them. You get a Mindset of ignoring God, discrediting God, not believing in God, focusing on money, focusing on your own happiness, etc. on the EARTH path (Self; Walking AWAY from God; Female). The - MIRROR - image of the Earth path is the Heaven path (Others; Walking TOWARDS God; Male). You BECOME what you THINK about. THIS is what eventually places the Earth UNDER the power and dominion of the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus to Peter (a rock): “Get BEHIND me, Satan!” In other words, Go internalize the 10 Commandments, mirror image of only Natural Law, because Heaven is OVER Earth.” Our wisdom and insight is the head place, we lead, not New Age gurus, not masters of Physical Earth Natural Law. Masters of Internalized Virtue, with God, YHWH, as their foundation, Masters of the Internalized 10 Commandments, Heaven, LEAD.

A good husband, as I listened in my Trackers class last night, and witnessed in the couple leading the class, (scroll my page and see my website) doesn't LORD it over his wife. Heaven does not have power and dominion for the sake of being unappreciative to the Earth. No, it's just the contrary. A good husband LEADS and CARES FOR his wife. Where is he leading her? To the Kingdom of Heaven.

Jesus was the Master of the Kingdom of Heaven. I followed Jesus into the exploration of the Kingdom of Heaven. That's what my main book, "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir," is describing. It is describing my walk, day by day by day, following Jesus through the Kingdom of Heaven. NOW you see a MINDSET in me that is the RESULT of all the time and effort I've spent in the Kingdom of Heaven.

It is a CYCLE. It is a Cycle that operates in OCTAVES. After someone has developed the MINDSET of the Kingdom of Heaven, our Holy Bible, the way I can now read it because I chose to walk this path and it gives you deeper and deeper insight into the Spiritual realm, (Heaven Natural Law) but less and less into the Physical realm (Earth Natural Law), TELLS us, those who have the MINDSET, to GO BACK DOWN TO EARTH.

That's why there is such confusion on the Earth side, those with very little knowledge of the Kingdom of Heaven. They do not grasp this concept. But this concept is WRITTEN in HISTORY over and over and over to the point that the Earth Mindset people try to explain it with aliens and Nephilim, and Genesis 6 "Fallen Angels mating with the daughters of Men." NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

To enter "The Kingdom of Heaven" you FIRST have to "go and sell all you have - in the Earth/Physical Mindset realm - and you will have RICHES in the Kingdom of Heaven. Then, come follow me." paraphrased from memory. That means that if you REALLY have INVESTED in a FALSE DOCTRINE so that you now have a MINDSET that you do NOT want to give up, then you will not be able to follow Jesus into the Kingdom of Heaven. He is the PORTAL. SACRIFICE of ALL is the price. If you have something you cherish that prevents you from giving it up then you are just going to keep wandering around and will never see the power and glory and dominion of the Kingdom of Heaven. It will still be operating but it will be operating BEYOND and ABOVE your comprehension. You don't have to walk through Jesus, the Portal. But you aren't going to get in unless you do. SACRIFICE and OBEDIENCE and TRUST in Jesus is the MINDSET that is required to enter in. THEN you can begin to explore and master the concepts Jesus was teaching his followers.

What I am doing now is taking my MINDSET and going down from Heaven to Earth. It works like THIS. God has had the Female (Symbolism) amassing GREAT RICHES this entire time you've been giving up all your riches because the Heaven path required constant Self-sacrifice. SHE has GREAT RICHES. God has had her figuring out Natural Law.

My books are my keys to HER amassed RICHES. God has the Earth/Physical realm PREPARE A DOWRY. Heaven (Jesus: go ye therefore into all the world...) mates with Earth, by going down from the high Spiritual Mindset to seek out the Earth's Science knowledge, their amassed riches. The Earth has all pretty much gained all these Science riches by being Self focused, Money focused, and Anti-God focused. Spiritual Israel, the masters of the Kingdom of Heaven doesn't go empty-handed, they have a MAP. The MAP that exists in the MINDSET of the masters of the principles in the Kingdom of Heaven. They learned these principles one by one by studying God's Holy Word, the Bible, following Jesus' teachings and example, looking at their sins and choosing to eliminate them one by one and replace with them with virtues. They then perfected those virtues (BLUE SAPPHIRE CRYSTAL) which doesn't mean that they are perfectly perfect it means they have reached and had the Mindset into themselves on a Blue Sapphire Crystal level. The Priests instructions throughout our Holy Bible allow them to maintain that high mindset, notice when anything less creeps in, and it has taught them what to do about it, the various types of sacrifices, etc.

Now it gets messy. "But I'M a CHRISTIAN. I BELIEVE in Jesus and God. I must be on the HEAVEN side." No, you probably aren't. You stopped at the Portal. Jesus is TELLING you to "get up and walk, follow me," but you are just sitting there using his name a lot while you walk the Earth Natural Law/Physical/Female principles and path. That is why I focus so much on FALSE DOCTRINE. I can see all of the Spiritual Natural Laws because I've been walking them step by step beginning by SACRIFICING all my Earth RICHES. Read my books. That is what they are describing. God gives your riches back, actually. He just TRANSFERS them from one realm to the other so that your HEART and MIND and SOUL will have the ENERGY, the DESIRE you are going to need on the Kingdom of Heaven's Spiritual Natural Laws path. You have to examine your heart, Christian. Do you see envy? pride? jealousy? self-importance? gossip? fornication? gluttony? sloth? controlling? They exist on every "Octave." They just require higher and higher levels of insight to see. The battle never stops. But you do reach a Blue Sapphire Crystal state. It is THIS state that gives you the mirror. If you don't have the mirror you haven't Sacrificed every bit of the riches you have on the Earth path and re-invested them to go through the Portal where Jesus stands and then begin fighting all the demons inside of yourself until you have mastered the principles of Heaven, the Spiritual realm.

I said all that BECAUSE I came here to JOYFULLY tell you that I FOUND the ANIMALS. Remember, yesterday, I said I was studying Genesis 2 "Adam names the animals?" I just found the animals and it is SO cool. I found them on the map of the Tabernacle (Moses leading the children out of Egypt and into the wilderness, they built a tabernacle, the precursor to the physical temple, the precursor to the spiritual temple inside us.) The guy who has studied the Mazzaroth (true Zodiac) for years and years DREW a map of the tabernacle. Each tribe on his map has an animal associated with it. Judah is the lion.

That is what the New Age Ascension (Earth) Natural Law masters have termed a "Download." For them it is. For them it is when Natural Law, God's design, helps them out and gives them a bit of insight to further walk the Earth path. That's MILES BELOW what I'm describing. What I'm describing is the Heavenly MIRROR IMAGE. Ours is based on Bible Study, going through the portal, which is expensive, Sacrifice, and following Jesus through the self-examination of what vices are in existence inside you, then turning them into virtues by making the consistent effort to do so. Be ye perfect as I am perfect. It works in Octaves, never ending. If you want to go higher then look harder for your next enemy, whatever vice is lurking in the higher level you are already on and go to war against it.

Now, I'm going to go make a chart of all the ANIMALS that are associated with the 12 TRIBES of Israel, encamped around the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. It is going to match my Cryptid studies and my next book, "Chapelgate: the gods of Mount Olympus" mythology studies.

This is SO much Fun!!! xo

PS Jesus was using BOTH EYES. He had mastered and then matched the Kingdom of Heaven's Spiritual Natural Laws (Male) with the Earth's Physical Natural Laws (Female). One. Then on to the repeating Analemma in the sky, octaves, eternal life. His Genealogy in Matthew says so.

I'm going to start with a list of the Tribes of Israel encamped around the Tabernacle. Then I'm going to start comparing the animals of each tribe with the ancient lore. HERE

"The Spirits and Beings of the Cherokee Indians." HERE and and "My Totem Tribe" HERE and "Native American Spirit Animals - 7 Grandfather Teachings" HERE

I notice there are 7 on this particular chart (I see some with 9 and some with 12; I'm just learning). That is an indication to me they were on the EARTH path/Natural Law/Physical. Why? Because it reminds me of the 7 Noahide Laws that were given to the Gentiles. There is a "mixed population" in the drawing I refer to of the Tabernacle. The outsiders, not yet Hebrews, God's Chosen People, had a simplified version of laws they were required to walk, Natural Law/Physical. This Natural Law/Physical LEADS to the Portal where Jesus stands in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.

A Noahide is a non-Jew who follows the Seven Laws of Noah, a set of universal moral laws. The laws are based on the teachings of the Jewish Bible and are also known as the Noachian Laws. What are the Seven Laws of Noah?

Do not worship false gods

Do not murder

Do not steal

Do not be sexually immoral

Do not eat a limb removed from a live animal

Do not blaspheme

Set up a court system

Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written February 7, 2025 at 2:01 pm

HERE is a similar one for "The 12 Tribes of Israel: The Shevatim"

A mosaic depicting the Hebrew signs of the zodiac, associated with the 12 Tribes of Israel.

Quote: "Who are the twelve tribes? HERE

Jacob had twelve sons with his four wives—Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, and Zilpah. Their names, in order of birth, are Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. The offspring of each these men became the twelve tribes (shevatim) of the nation of Israel. Although all the tribes are part of one nation, each tribe (shevet) has unique characteristics. And so, when they were blessed by Jacob, and later by Moses, each tribe received a different blessing in accordance with their individual nature and purpose.



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