In a minute I'm going to finally go watch "Homestead" by Angel Studios. I keep having ideas for short-stories and I've written 2 or 3 already today. I want to go watch this end-of-the-world post-Apocalypse movie I've been waiting forever to watch. It is by Angel Studios and I had to become a Guild Member on their website to even have access to it. So bye for awhile...
But meanwhile, one more story because a lady in my private Flat Earth group asked a question and I answered...
Lady: "While listening to so-and-so, I heard a concept that you have to understand a lot of background conspiracy stuff before you can grasp where it's all going. So I created this tent with tent poles diagram to help explain ideas to others, but I need your help. What other tent poles need to be added to hold this deception up? I only added six because the diagram worked ... give me ideas for research on other tent poles. Plus, if you want to share sources for research, that would help those of us who are still learning. (Like me)
Maybe developing these ideas and breaking them down into a 3rd grade understanding, will encourage others as they awake."
Angel: "Cryptids. They have deceived us about the different beings that actually exist and a lot of people are going missing or dying because of it. There are natural monsters. There are monsters they've created in labs and turned loose. Bigfoot is not a type of gorilla. They are the Ancient Ones who can access higher frequencies and have powers that natural man was given by God through nature and through the Design of God's Word. The very design of how the Physical world works and the Spiritual world works has been covered up so we think it is all physical, science. There are worlds beyond the physical and they are inhabited by beings they keep us from knowing about. There are Predators in our forests that we have no idea exist.
The heart of ALL the deception is that they have hidden what our Holy Bible actually says. They've changed the very way it is translated SO it stays hidden. It says we are supposed to master the virtues, like Jesus did. This changes our frequencies and allows us to access powers that even the Ascension New Age teachers have no idea exist. If we are able to access THESE levels, through righteousness as is really being described in scripture, then it is GAME OVER for them because the higher frequencies of the Heavens, the "Kingdom of Heaven," are superior in every way to the lower frequencies of the Earth, of the physical realm. Your internal heart has to become good, like pure crystal, to access these realms. You internalize Jesus' teachings. They can't beat that and that is the heart of the rest of ALL these horrid lies. That's what they are covering up."
Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written February 11, 2025 at 5:33 pm