Today’s interest… (thinking) … could the alignment of the 7 planets be the metaphysical idea behind the 7 Noahide laws? God told us regular man (non-Torah Master/non-Jesus follower) just had to keep 7 laws. The planets represent ideas, desire, energy, in place to help us find God’s Word. The 7 Noahide laws are the entrance point (portal/gate) to the path that becomes true Christ Consciousness. I know the Mazzaroth symbolizes the path Jesus walked to obtain Christ Consciousness: that Heaven (spiritual natural law) reigns over & is a mirror male/female image of Earth (physical natural law). The movement of the stars symbolize the ancient Hebrew holy days, feasts. Those as a whole document Christ’s path. I bet I’m right. xo
Google search quote:
“The Seven Noahide Laws are a set of commandments that prohibit certain behaviors and establish courts of justice. They are considered binding on all of humanity.
The Seven Noahide Laws
Do not worship idols
Do not curse God
Do not commit murder
Do not commit adultery or sexual immorality
Do not steal
Do not eat flesh torn from a living animal
Establish courts of justice
The Noahide Laws are considered a link between Judaism and Christianity. They are also seen as universal ethical norms, a basic concept in international law, and a guarantee of fundamental human rights.
Number Seven
The number seven is significant in the Torah and is considered a symbol of completion and creation. For example, there are seven days in a week, and there are seven notes on the musical scale.
Additional information
The Noahide Laws were originally given to Noah's descendants. They were later expanded to include prohibitions against castration and sorcery.”
Angel: …ah! Genesis…
PS I posted this and someone said, “No Sabbath?”
Angel: “Traci Lynn Benson Not for beginners. What I’m saying is these are the laws for regular, normal, general population mankind - “Don’t murder each other” - baby stuff, beginners. The Sabbath is for those further down the path, like you and me. I retranslated the Sabbath the other day. There’s an article on my website I wrote. It doesn’t say “God rested.” It says that once spiritual Israel has God’s doctrine back in place properly they then DWELL in that doctrine. I’ve spent 15,000 plus hours figuring this out one letter, one word at a time. I know I’m right because when I apply what it says to my life it works amazingly. So the Sabbath = Day 7. The Noahide laws are kindergarten level, pre-10 Commandments. They get “Don’t worship idols” and “Don’t eat an animal that’s still alive” - basic rules that eventually LEAD to Jesus’ internalization of the 10 Commandments in his spirit, what WE are supposed to do.”
Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written February 28, 2025 at 2:19 pm