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Christians Ascend to Heaven; Wind; Acts; Mind Speak 3

So, I have now “Mind Spoke” three times. Recently, I wrote “We Need Salt: Mind Speak” and “Salt Given but Ban Back On; Doctrine.”

At the very beginning of this Bigfoot journey I wrote about the very first time I “Mind Spoke” with my Cryptids on my off-grid Ozarks land, “Angel Creek.” It just happened again, yesterday. Just like that first time.

The first time I was using the potty in my RV. The floor is brown linoleum with swirlish patterns, different brown tones. I had noticed that whenever I sat there my eyes would scan the floor and I’d often see different faces. Some would be human and some would be animals. I’ve previously written a story, “Not Pareidolia.” All my short-stories, over 400, are on my website.

Google Quote: “Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon that causes people to see patterns, objects, or meaning in ambiguous visual stimuli. It's a type of visual illusion that can occur when the brain interprets a vague stimulus as something familiar.”

The first time I Mind Spoke I was sitting there, in my bathroom, noticing faces in the brown hued linoleum. I noticed one that looked like a puppy face. This all got started when I noticed a black blob, low to the ground, in a picture of my land taken by the Realtor. I posted it in my Bigfoot Groups and asked what it was. “Dogman” was the consensus. So I messaged my picture to Jerry, the Bigfoot Expert, whom I had now learned of, and asked him. He said, “Short-snout Dogman. And there’s a translucent Bigfoot standing on the far right in front of a tree.” There was. I could see it as clear as day, now that I knew where to look. I had started watching Jerry’s YouTube videos and reading his posts. I can’t recall exactly but it is important here to note he had mentioned pterodactyls somewhere.

As I sat there in my RV bathroom looking at the faces on the floor I noticed the brown swirled puppy face. It reminded me of that picture. So I talked to it. “Tell the Bigfoot and whatever else is on my land that I said if they are good then they can stay and I’ll care for them. But if they are evil they have to get off my land.” I had the emotion my puppy had heard me and agreed. Then a minute or less later I noticed something else in the brown lineoleum swirls. A Pterodactyl.

So I told Jerry.

Jerry immediately told me to STOP. “Once you mind speak with them they can track you forever.”

One of mine tracked me 650 miles from my Arkansas Ozarks land to a friend’s ranch in Texas. He allowed video and photos. It was the same one (see my website short-stories, “Angel Creek.”

I stopped as soon as Jerry told me to. I prayed, Dear Father, don’t let them Mind Speak with me. If they need to tell me something then tell them to tell you. Then, if you want me to know YOU tell me.”

That was in the beginning, about 3 years ago. This past week was the first time they tried. I got a message out of the blue from a lady I had just met online. She said, “I have a message for you from the Bigfoot on your land. They need salt. They want to know if you will put some salt on your land.” I did. See my short-stories.

Yesterday, it happened again. Now I’m living in a house. Same thing. I was sitting in the bathroom looking at the floor. I had never noticed any faces in this bathroom’s floor. But there he was. A face. He looked like a god, a Mythological being, maybe Zeus. Maybe Baldur (see my recent stories). He looked like he was waiting at my threshold. I had told God to guard my threshold. So I made a decision. The Salt story was still fresh on my mind. I prayed, “Dear God, I lift my ban, he can Mind Speak to me.”

So I sat there thinking, “How do we do this?” I decided to just quiet my mind and listen to my body for any new thoughts or emotions. That worked. I felt, “Wind.” I kept listening. “I felt, “Acts.” That was it. I prayed and closed my threshold back.

That same day or two (see my most recent stories). I was led in my life to grasp the Holy Bible New Testament book of “Acts,” Chapter 2. That’s when the people are all gathered together and there’s a great wind. Pentecost.

I grasped it because God made it happen in my life. When it did, I went back and added it to 2 of my recent stories. It is when people grasp there are TWO ascension paths that mirror each other, not just the New Age (Earth) Ascension path. Two. Mirrors. There is also a Christian (Heaven) Ascension path. Heaven is over Earth. Christians Ascend. We’ve been waiting for it. THIS is it. In the “Last Days” we ascend to the heavens with Christ. We believe in God. We believe God created the Universe. We believe we are his children. The entire path I’ve walked and documented for you in all my books, songs, videos, and stories shows you how WE ascend to Jesus’ “Kingdom of Heaven.”

Wind. Acts.

Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written February 9, 2025 at 7:10 am

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