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Changing the Paradigm on Rosh Hashanah

Today’s interest… I know how, why, and who created the weather disaster currently happening. I send this info to my friends who are able to grasp it. Why isn’t everyone? How do we stop it? How do we help? How do I, myself, help?

I found a pattern on almost every page of the Bible. When I began noticing it I was using my Harper Collins Study Bible and enrolled in my first Master’s degree in Theology program. I wrote all over that Bible. I even printed out little notes and taped them in the front, in the back, just anywhere there was a speck of room. So when I began noticing this pattern I would take my pen and draw a swirl next to where I had noticed it, a little spiral. That was my sign to myself.

The basic pattern is: Individual/Corporate, Male/Female, Inner/Outer. I began to notice the words themselves in both the ancient Biblical Hebrew and in the ancient Biblical Greek were designed to also convey this pattern. The lexicons missed it. My professors didn’t know what I was talking about when I raised my hand to ask why this pattern was there. “There’s no pattern,” was the consensus. But I was right: there’s a pattern. Swirl.

The problem with the weather is being caused because there’s a problem with our Theology. Yes, I do know how, why, and who. But that’s a symptom. The disease is at the root of it all and that is our theology. Our Christian paradigm caused the flood.

I documented what happened to me from 1985 to 2024, theology-wise, when I prayed, “Dear God, if there is something I don’t understand about Christianity would you please show me?” That alone is an alien paradigm. But then I asked myself what I could do, myself, to set my feet on this path. I decided: 1. To read 1 verse from my Bible every single day for 1 year. 2. To stop listening to my favorite music, Country music, and start listening to Gospel music. 3. Obey God whether I wanted to or not, constantly, with every decision.

I made a vow. My training taught me not to make a vow unless you fully plan to keep it. I made a vow. I kept my vow. After a year of reading one verse of scripture every single day I had made a habit I knew was not only helping me but was causing me to read and study daily beyond that single promised verse. It also trained my mind to stay focused on the Bible and God. Changing the music feed me spiritually instead of draining me. I now had good food for my spirit. Obeying, especially when I didn’t want to, taught my spirit and mind as it changed my physical path, choices, and results. If you choose to obey you see for yourself what happens. I was doing this day after day. So that allowed me to be able to see long-term results.

All of that is a different paradigm than theology currently teaches.

So the best I can do to help the flood victims is to just keep on doing what I began doing in 1985, keep writing, and keep walking the path. That path is ingrained in me now. I explore thoughts, ideas, and scriptures on a level no one knows exists. It’s a blast. But I think I need to simultaneously start putting my early thoughts and writing out as well because Christians need to be able to find the path for themselves. If you read this then do what I did. That’s how we help the flood victims. We change our paradigm. The pattern tells me we can. We are currently seeing the result of "Corporate" thoughts (inner) and actions (outer). NOW we change the paradigm. We are just "Individuals." But our Bible says that our God put equal power inside just individuals. Believe. Change your paradigm. You. One lonely individual. Today. Do what I did. Study (inner) and Walk (outer).

Here’s the book I started reading yesterday. Those who created this current situation have studied this book as well. They did it from opposition to theology. We’re doing it to see how history brought them to the place they currently are, which is hell. They think from hell. They plan from hell. We’re going to think from heaven and plan from heaven. Today is Rosh Hashanah. That means it is the day when God’s people lead. Rosh is “head” as in “leader” as in “beginning.” As in Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning…”

Let’s change the paradigm. xo

Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written October 4, 2024 at 8:30 am (on Rosh Hashanah)


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