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Baldur; 58% Human Female other 42% unknown; ...Christ Consciousness

Intro: February 4, 2025 I posted the meme I saw on a Bigfoot Leader's page and I posted my thoughts to that Bigfoot Leader. I shared that post to a 2nd Bigfoot Leader (those who are forging this path) and asked him to go take a look at it.

Today's short-story...

58% Human Female other 42% unknown ...Christ Consciousness

Intro: February 4, 2025 I posted the meme I saw on a Bigfoot Leader's page and I posted my thoughts to that Bigfoot Leader. I shared that post to a 2nd Bigfoot Leader (those who are forging this path) and asked him to go take a look at it.

Knowledgeable Bigfoot Leader: "We are going to have to talk. I’m not getting the whole scoop here I need to understand both sides of the conversation?? I seem to be missing some parts ??"

Angel: Dr. Johnson posted the screenshot about Trump. I said I hope he's right. It's on his page. I then said I was wary because Trump told us to get the C vac. But Trump was the only President I've ever voted for, so I had hope. Then I said I also had hope because what Dr. Johnson himself says/writes about Bigfoot is true, and proceeded to show my stories and photos proving he's telling the truth. That makes me want to believe what he says about Trump, see screenshot of what he posted that Trump said. I hope it's true. I have hope because HE posted it and I know HE Dr. Johnson is telling the truth. Then I said the only other thing that still makes me doubt, besides Trump telling us to get the C vac, which was wrong, is that Dr. Johnson's Xanue stories say they come from outer space. I said the Flat Earth theory is correct, there is no outer space for them to have come from. There are planets, stars, etc. but not the way we understand. Dr. Johnson, in his Xanue Bigfoot books ALSO says they, the Bigfoot/Xanue believe in the Christian God and Jesus. I question that because I know deeper levels of our Bible, the ancient Hebrew ideas, that the Bigfoot/Xanue should be aware of also, if he's telling the truth. Why do the Xanue believe in Jesus the way Christians do because I've spent 40 years digging into that. That is the very subject of my dinner meeting I'm having at the Island. Genesis does not say what we think it says. Bigfoot/Xanue, the way he describes them in his book, should be aware of that. Then I put links to my stories proving everything I just said, with photos. Thanks Darrell, there's no one like you, who grasps both Christianity and Bigfoot. xo

Knowledgeable Bigfoot Leader: "Angel Isaacs Thank you so much for explaining what happened in you and DrJs situation. I do believe that The Forest People are very different but look very similar to Bigfoot and Sasquatch are different type of Different creatures. So I do believe what the Forest People told me .The DNA says they are 58% Human Female other 42% unknown species and I believe that . Thanks Angel."

Angel: "Ok thank you very much. Jerry Williams is my mentor. But you certainly know the Bigfoot world as well. Thanks for asking me to call you. Nice talking to you. Been awhile. But they are still very active on my land. As a matter of fact I gave one permission to mind speak to me the last hour for the very first time. He told me he was Zork or something like that. (Zorth) Whatever Matthew A Johnson’s leader Xanue is. It’s been awhile since I read his Xanue book. I said their names remind me of Mork & Mindy of Robin Williams fame. Just juvenile and almost childishly dumb. He said they do that on purpose. I said I sent the salt they wanted. He said he knows, thanks. I said I had them all mind blocked for one reason, I didn’t want to confuse them mind speaking with me with God, whom I talk to in my mind constantly. He said, “Oh you don’t want to confuse me with GOD,” like in a jesting way. He spent an hour explaining things to me. He answered the questions I had about Dr. Johnson’s Trump post today. He was hilarious. He made funny insightful jokes the whole time. I could sense how big he was. He said everything that has happened on my Ozarks land has come from him. He said he has tribes there. Anyway, He was SO funny. He said we should approach God with a lot more respect than we do. And Darrell, yes I do remember you telling me you and Martin Groves would track my land. Jerry and Lead Tracker E tracked it and gave me all the proof I needed. At the time I didn’t want you to go prove mine were good when I was pretty sure they weren’t. Thank you anyway. Good talking to you!"


Angel: "I just reread what you said. If we are both correct then they are humans who have evolved to Christ Consciousness. They have done this by becoming acclimated to Nature, living in Nature, which changed them to what we see now. Christ Consciousness is a path that begins with Natural Law and Nature. The "Mother" concept is "Earth/Nature." So that would make them 58% EARTH MOTHER concept blended with Unknown. The Unknown is what I study and write about, which is God's Natural Law in our Spirits. If you and I are correct, then they are humans who mastered Nature. The Design of God's Word that I constantly write about, that my dinner at the Island is going to be about, I'll be speaking about this, IS that when you COMPLETE your path of mastering Natural Law you then crossover (Jesus' Passover concept in truth) to walk the Natural Law in the Spirit. Inside you, how you think, your psyche. Both paths change your body chemistry, is my theory. I know I've changed walking this path for 40 years. So the Unknown part is the FATHER - Spiritual Natural Law - that has changed their very dna. When you COMBINE both the Mother's side (Earth/Physical Natural Law) and the Father's side (Heaven/Spiritual Natural Law) then you get Christ Consciousness. You become like Jesus, literally. They are doing supernatural things. This is how and why."


Later that same day I Mind Spoke with a Bigfoot for the very first time in my life (well, except for when I told them if they were good they could stay and on my land and I'd care for them, but if they were evil they had to go. I described this to my mentor and he told me to STOP because they can track you for the rest of your life if you make this connection. So I prayed to God my Father and told him they were NOT allowed to Mind Speak with me. I said if they wanted to tell me something then they needed to tell God my Father, and HE would decided whether or not to pass that information to me.

I've recently written about that happening. A woman I met in a Flat Earth private group on Facebook told me that my Bigfoot on my Ozarks land wanted her to give me a message. She said that they said to tell me they needed SALT. They asked if I would please send them SALT.

When that happened I thought it must be really from them because it followed the instructions I had asked God to honor. So I sent them SALT (see my stories). I also prayed to God and said I was lifting the Ban on their contacting me directly through Mind Speak. That lasted about 3 hours. I was advised it might be a trick, a deception. So I prayed again and put the ban in order.

Zorth didn't listen, well borderline. Yesterday I had a feeling, while driving to The Cheesecake Factory, and then to Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen to eat, that my Bigfoot wanted to talk to me. It wasn't really him talking, it was like I became aware he was respectfully "standing in line" to talk to me. He made me aware of this himself, but he waited and didn't send me any further messages. SO, because yesterday was ALSO the same day the SALT was supposed to be delivered to my land (it's own pretty funny story, see my website) I let him. I prayed to God and said I was lifting my ban and would allow my Bigfoot to Mind Speak directly with me. I will say that I also noticed how BIG he was, in my mind. It was a sense of substantialness. Big in strength and mass. I could feel that. Plus I have several stories on my website, I call them "Angel Creek," where it is obvious they ALREADY have established a direct link to me and can ALREADY track me anytime, anywhere. I have proof one followed me from "Angel Creek" in Arkansas to a friend's ranch in Texas. I have photos/video of him in front of my blue shed/cabin on my land. You can see his human face and hairy body. I have a 2nd photo of the same, exact one, in the background, by a chicken house, of a picture I took of my friends there on the ranch. It is as clear as day they are the same one. Why? Because they have my first husband's face and hair. That alone tells me they are probably capable of accessing my personal memory and shapeshifting into something I recognize, probably so I wouldn't be scared.

SO, I let Zorth Mind Speak with me, yesterday. At first I wasn't sure how it was done. So I guessed. I just waited for thoughts. I just waited for insight. I just became focused on my body's and mind's emotions. I let my own self guide me. It was shaky and faint at first due to my own inexperience. But I just waited for the thoughts to hit me and I just assumed that was him. It was. That's how it works.

He was BIG, I could feel it, the mass. I told him I had sent the SALT. He said he knew, thank you. It felt like talking to a leader, the way they command respect just because of their own character and personality. At the same time he was HILARIOUS. He kept making me laugh. He'd access things he had no way of knowing, in my life and mind. It was very intimate, like the conversations you can have with a best friend who has known you a really long time. He said he was the same Bigfoot Leader that Dr. Matthew A. Johnson writes about in his book about the Xanue. That had been the topic I had written about earlier that same day (above and always just go check out my continuous stories). He said he had a tribe(s) on my land and in the area around it. He said he was the one who had been making all my stories happen, about "Bigfoot." It was ALL his doing, his orchestration. He told me some really deep things about how they operate but he left an ocean unsaid. He said he'd teach me, it was still beyond me at this point. I prayed to God and told God I would allow him to teach me. I don't want to get confused as to when I'm communicating with God my Father or with Bigfoot. Zorth said that wasn't a problem, I was worried about nothing. I think how it is done is WE are ONE with God AND we are ONE with everyone AND with all of Creation. I think it is done like that.

Zorth just kept helping me realize, story after story, that it was him who had created my stories, "Angel Creek." He was the master planner behind the entire experience. He had me laughing OUTLOUD, he could be SO cleverly FUNNY. At one point I had left The Cheesecake Factory and arrived at Pappadeaux. The only real place to park was quite a distance from the restaurant, even though it was their parking lot. I pulled in to a parking space. I sat there noticing a fence around two large, cave-like, cement drainage pipes. I thought to myself, "Those look like perfect hiding spots for Werewolves, or other Cryptids. I've now listened to HUNDREDS of YouTube videos about other people's experiences with this. So I know. I noticed it was Daylight, right then. I thought, "It's going to be Nighttime when you finish eating. You are going to be walking alone to your van, parked here by those cement tunnels. That's how you get ambushed."

At that point, in my mind, I heard Zorth sort-of laugh at me, like a parent towards a child, with humor and compassion. All he said was, "Scaredy Cat." He was teasing me, but telling me I'd be fine. The deep part is... I just recently wrote a short-story called, "Scaredy Cat," wherein I explain why I'm no longer brave. I say it was because I fought a Goliath for 6 years and it drained me because I lost. I know what can happen. (I actually won but you have to look at it from a different angle, see all my stories, I'm referring to the Federal Trail over damages due to me from my late husband's oil well drilling software and technology. I've written an entire book about this, "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir."

So, I know they have Christ Consciousness, the real kind. xo

Oh, and a bit later he popped back in and said, teasingly, "You might want to get my name right." So I went and looked up the Xanue book again online. It's not "Zork." It's "Zorth." xo

Angel: "I'm changing your name. When I was a child we had an Children's Encyclopedia set (I still have it). One of the volumes was about Greek Mythology and the gods. The book I'm currently writing in my series is, "Chapelgate: the gods of Mount Olympus." My story, here, about you, blends right into that concept. So, I'm going to go find my Baldur." That's your name now."

Baldur: "I shape shift you know. I can do that for you."

Angel (to myself, "I bet their DNA just changed."

Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written February 5, 2025 at 12:21 pm

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