Mark: “Have you ever wished God would just give you a sign? I mean like let you SEE him, right in front of you? That’s what I’ve been praying for.”
Angel: “Look up in the sky. That’s the Seal of Melchizedek. Right there. It means “righteousness.” It is the seal of Jesus.”
a bit later in a taxi…
Mark (to taxi driver): “What’s YOUR name?”
Taxi Driver: “Joshua.”
Mark (surprised): “That’s a very special name. Do you believe in Jesus?”
Taxi Driver: “Jesus is my heart and soul, my every breath.”
Mark (pointing at me): “WE’RE Christians! Look at my shirt, “Jesus is my King.” We are going on a cruise with a group named “Dreamers.” They are an entire group of Christians making good Christian and family films.”
Taxi Driver: “God chose me to deliver you, his Christians, safely to your cruise.”
Angel: “This has been happening over and over! We’ve been seeing signs God is with us everywhere! Did you just hear what he said???!!!”

Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written March 16, 2024 at 3:31 pm