Ha, ha, ha. A guy just posted this 2025 Super Bowl meme in the Flat Earth private group I'm in. It is symbolic of the powers that be's new belief. They think they've cracked the firmament. They think they just won the game. They think they just finished destroying Christianity, Patriotism, and the US. Most importantly, it is a symbol, a football hitting the firmament of a flat earth and all the water pouring out, of their belief they have now destroyed and replaced God our Father.
THEY are on the Earth/physical Natural Law side of the Analemma figure 8 path (see my stories) - which denies God, says the Universe is God, says WE are God, that THEIR path is the ONLY path to Science/and now Spirit, Who are the "powers that be" who think this? New Age Ascension believers, world-wide government and corporate leaders, lead in part by the WEF et. al. In other words, all who are involved in the destruction of Christianity. All who have been busy ushering in a New Age.
They are a mirror image of US. WE, Spiritual Israel, are on the Heaven/Spiritual Natural Law side of the Analemma figure 8 path - which FOLLOWS God, knows that God created the Universe, that GOD, YHWH, Yahweh, Jehovah, is GOD and we are his children.
They think they pierced God's Heavenly firmament. See the hidden football "Dome" of the true shape of our Heaven and Earth system (not like it is presented in Star Wars, that's a lie)? This was supposed to have happened and bragged about by them yesterday with the 2025 Super Bowl. There's a stream of water pouring out of the football/dome. It is cleverly hidden, the way we can now see clearly in this particular group and others like it. It represents they've WON the game. They've CRACKED THE FIRMAMENT.
Ummm, NOPE. What happened YESTERDAY, during that very same 2025 Super Bowl, as it was happening, is that as THEIR plans and schemes have been being woven into place to their anticipated conclusion (patterned after the Grandmother Spider Creation Myth: World Wide Web; Inter Net; Internet of Things; Cshot plans, etc.) was that I was writing and posting, and explaining Christianity has now gone up an OCTAVE. THEY STILL are UNDER the NEW Firmament. Let me explain how...
As they've been weaving, GOD has been weaving. I've personally been weaving since birth in the WWII 50s, parallel to them. My dad actually was trained at Red Stone Arsenal and spent my entire childhood managing the government telemetry contracts for all 17 Apollo Missions. MY Dad. He spent his life as a wonderful Christian man, an Elder, who taught me from birth. To this day I think he believes we went to the moon. Their schemes were THAT deep and hidden. Today's supposed triumph is linked to the history of the US. They've been working on this for a very long time. Their goal has always been to eliminate God. "The Universe is God; We are God."
Here's an example of what God himself has been busy doing. I'm just one example. God has his Spiritual Israel Levite Priests who voluntarily offer freewill offerings of their personal time and efforts EVERYWHERE. They have ALL been similarly weaving the new firmament into place, just for yesterday. We've advanced the previously incorrect science and theology concepts in all areas. I've written about our food, crystals, electromagnetism, how the concept of Cern is a mirror of the concept of Galilee, health, healing, light, cell biology, flat earth, Cryptids part in this, and in particular what the Bible actually says.
MY genealogy alone goes all the way back to George Washington. MY genealogy goes all the way back to Thomas Jefferson & Meriwether Lewis' line. MY family stories say WE owned the land underneath the Washington White House. MY genealogy goes all the way back to the President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis. MY genealogy goes all the way back to the pre-foundation, and beginning of the Republic of Texas. I'm a 5th generation Texan, with a family line in the Sons & Daughters of the Republic of Texas, and the Sons & Daughters of the American Revolution. Why is that relevant? It is relevant in order to show that GOD's thinking and plans are ALSO VERY DEEP. They, the current powers that be, are just a mirror image of Spiritual Israel. Spiritual Israel dwells in the Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus was teaching us about, the root of Christianity. We are alive all over the earth and we have been, likewise, just weaving away for this day.
Christianity has now gone UP an Octave. We have ASCENDED, the true meaning, not the copycat Earth/Physical Law New Age meaning.
The FIRMAMENT has gone UP an Octave. They didn't win. God created it that way. The music of the spheres.
I now have an entire series of books, "The Chapelgate Adventure Series," with my 800 page main book, "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir," available on my website and many short-stories are on my page. I've put 430 of my short-stories about this there, about God, about how I've documented my entire walk for the past 40 years. I spent 15,000 hours retranslating our Holy Bible BACK into the original meaning. I've posted over half a dozen of my articles here in my beloved group, for you, my similarly minded friends. I personally documented the path from fundamental Christianity to ASCENDED Jesus' followers new OCTAVE (it works like music). I am describing the true "Kingdom of Heaven." It always winds up on top. That is WHY God designed a flat earth with a dome, water, and an ever expanding firmament floor. WE, Spiritual Israel, always and forever will weave the new firmament into place, Grandmother Spider style. They got that part right. That's all they got right.
PS I went back to my Flat Earth group after I wrote this. This same picture was being discussed. I told them I wrote this article and posted it in the group. I thanked them for pointing out the Super Bowl image has 666 in it.
Here's what I say to that: 777
PSS I just responded to a comment, again:
Angel: "I hadn't noticed the triangles, thank you. It is what I'm talking about. They think the inverted triangles mean "As above, so below," meaning they are on top. I say the original meaning is that Heaven is over Earth. As above (Heaven) so below (Earth) meaning Natural Spiritual Law is always superior to Natural Physical Law."
Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written February 10, 2025 at 2:11 pm

Affix a camera to a sturdy mount … and take a photo of the Sun at a particular time of day. Sounds simple enough. Do this regularly throughout a calendar year and you'll end up with a picture of the analemma, the Sun's apparent path in our sky throughout the year.